
I dimly remember this project; it was written independently of the main Open 
MPI project.

It looks like it supports the TCP OOB and TCP BTL.

The TCP OOB has since moved from Open MPI's "ORTE" sub-project to the 
independent PRRTE project.  Regardless, TCP OOB traffic is effectively about 
the control plane -- it's management messages, setup, teardown, stdout/err 
redirection, ... etc.  Depending on the goals of the Open MPI wireshark plugin, 
it may or may not be worth it to dissect that traffic.

The TCP BTL is the actual MPI messages that are sent across TCP (assuming you 
don't have some kind of HPC-class networking stack, that likely uses OS-bypass 
and probably doesn't use TCP).

Keep in mind that neither of these plugins have ever formally published a wire 
protocol, and are therefore subject to change at any time.  That's a 
not-insignificant risk for having an mpi-dissector plugin.
From: users <> on behalf of Belanger, Martin 
via users <>
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2023 10:55 AM
To: <>
Cc: Belanger, Martin <>; 
Subject: [OMPI users] MPI Wireshark Packet Dissector

I’m new to MPI and I needed to analyze MPI packets with Wireshark. I found 
Julian Rilli’s “mpi-dissector” project on GitHub 
( The project is about 9 years old 
and does not compile with the latest Wireshark code. Fortunately, I was able to 
port it, build it, and make it work.

It is not clear which version of the MPI protocol this project supports. 
Suffice it to say that since the code is 9 years old, it probably does not 
support all of the MPI protocol changes/additions made in the last 9 years.

I wanted to share this with the Open-MPI community in case someone is 
interested and would like to update the code to support the latest version of 
MPI (I don’t know enough about MPI to do this work myself). Eventually, I will 
submit this to the Wireshark project so that it can be part of Wireshark going 

For anyone interested, the ported code can be found in my fork of the Wireshark 
 It can be cloned as follows:

git clone -b mpi-support-v1


Martin Belanger

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