
Earlier this week I finally managed to Spack build OpenMPI 5.0 on an LSF
cluster I've got access to. I used to use a manually build version
before for years. After working with Spack version for a while, I
noticed my program arguments are passed to mpirun instead e.g.

mpirun hostname -i
An unrecognized option was included on the mpirun command line:

  Option: -i

Please use the "mpirun --help" command to obtain a list of all
supported options.

This is not consistent with what man pages say about SPMD model:
    mpirun [ options ] <program> [ <args> ]

Adding any option to mpirun or using '--' before the program make the
problem go away, but OpenMPI compiled manually doesn't have this
behaviour. I then also compiled Spack without LSF integration and the
problem persisted so I suspect Spack has some default options which
force this behaviour. Are you able to advise what is happening here?

Also, these are the Spack specs I used
openmpi+internal-pmix fabrics=ucx schedulers=lsf

I am attaching output of ompi_info too. Spack is quite explicit about
options for Automake packages so I know I don't have some of those
switches in my manual installations.

Please let me know.

Best wishes,
For those seeking to enter the felicity of matrimonial alliance n/e is the 
                 Package: Open MPI rrs59-uxq05@sqg1cintr19.bullx Distribution
                Open MPI: 5.0.3
  Open MPI repo revision: v5.0.3
   Open MPI release date: Apr 08, 2024
                 MPI API: 3.1.0
            Ident string: 5.0.3
 Configured architecture: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
           Configured by: rrs59-uxq05
           Configured on: Wed Jun  5 20:29:43 UTC 2024
          Configure host: sqg1cintr19.bullx
  Configure command line: 
 '--enable-shared' '--disable-silent-rules' '--disable-sphinx' 
'--disable-builtin-atomics' '--disable-static' '--enable-mpi1-compatibility' 
'--without-psm' '--without-ucc' '--without-hcoll' '--without-mxm' 
'--without-fca' '--without-psm2' '--without-ofi' 
 '--without-xpmem' '--without-verbs' '--without-cma' '--without-knem' 
'--without-cray-xpmem' '--without-alps' '--without-tm' '--without-sge' 
'--with-lsf=/opt/lsf/10.1' '--without-slurm' '--without-loadleveler' 
 '--disable-java' '--disable-mpi-java' '--disable-io-romio' '--with-gpfs=no' 
'--without-cuda' '--enable-wrapper-rpath' '--disable-wrapper-runpath' 
                Built by: rrs59-uxq05
                Built on: Wed Jun  5 20:37:03 UTC 2024
              Built host: sqg1cintr19.bullx
              C bindings: yes
             Fort mpif.h: yes (all)
            Fort use mpi: yes (full: ignore TKR)
       Fort use mpi size: deprecated-ompi-info-value
        Fort use mpi_f08: yes
 Fort mpi_f08 compliance: The mpi_f08 module is available, but due to 
limitations in the 
 compiler and/or Open MPI, does not support the following: array subsections, 
direct passthru (where possible) to underlying Open MPI's C functionality
  Fort mpi_f08 subarrays: no
           Java bindings: no
  Wrapper compiler rpath: rpath
              C compiler: 
     C compiler absolute: 
  C compiler family name: GNU
      C compiler version: 13.2.0
            C++ compiler: 
   C++ compiler absolute: 
           Fort compiler: 
       Fort compiler abs: 
         Fort ignore TKR: yes (!GCC$ ATTRIBUTES NO_ARG_CHECK ::)
   Fort 08 assumed shape: yes
      Fort optional args: yes
          Fort INTERFACE: yes
    Fort ISO_FORTRAN_ENV: yes
       Fort STORAGE_SIZE: yes
      Fort BIND(C) (all): yes
      Fort ISO_C_BINDING: yes
       Fort TYPE,BIND(C): yes
 Fort T,BIND(C,name="a"): yes
            Fort PRIVATE: yes
           Fort ABSTRACT: yes
       Fort ASYNCHRONOUS: yes
          Fort PROCEDURE: yes
         Fort USE...ONLY: yes
           Fort C_FUNLOC: yes
 Fort f08 using wrappers: yes
         Fort MPI_SIZEOF: yes
             C profiling: yes
   Fort mpif.h profiling: yes
  Fort use mpi profiling: yes
   Fort use mpi_f08 prof: yes
          Thread support: posix (MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE: yes, OPAL support: yes, 
OMPI progress: no, Event lib: yes)
           Sparse Groups: no
  Internal debug support: no
  MPI interface warnings: yes
     MPI parameter check: runtime
Memory profiling support: no
Memory debugging support: no
              dl support: yes
   Heterogeneous support: no
       MPI_WTIME support: native
     Symbol vis. support: yes
   Host topology support: yes
            IPv6 support: no
          MPI extensions: affinity, cuda, ftmpi, rocm, shortfloat
 Fault Tolerance support: yes
          FT MPI support: yes
        MPI_MAX_INFO_KEY: 36
        MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL: 256
       MPI_MAX_PORT_NAME: 1024
         MCA accelerator: null (MCA v2.1.0, API v1.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
           MCA allocator: basic (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
           MCA allocator: bucket (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
           MCA backtrace: execinfo (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
                 MCA btl: self (MCA v2.1.0, API v3.3.0, Component v5.0.3)
                 MCA btl: sm (MCA v2.1.0, API v3.3.0, Component v5.0.3)
                 MCA btl: tcp (MCA v2.1.0, API v3.3.0, Component v5.0.3)
                 MCA btl: uct (MCA v2.1.0, API v3.3.0, Component v5.0.3)
                  MCA dl: dlopen (MCA v2.1.0, API v1.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
                  MCA if: linux_ipv6 (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
                  MCA if: posix_ipv4 (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
         MCA installdirs: env (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
         MCA installdirs: config (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
              MCA memory: patcher (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
               MCA mpool: hugepage (MCA v2.1.0, API v3.1.0, Component v5.0.3)
             MCA patcher: overwrite (MCA v2.1.0, API v1.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
              MCA rcache: grdma (MCA v2.1.0, API v3.3.0, Component v5.0.3)
           MCA reachable: weighted (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
               MCA shmem: mmap (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
               MCA shmem: posix (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
               MCA shmem: sysv (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
                MCA smsc: knem (MCA v2.1.0, API v1.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
             MCA threads: pthreads (MCA v2.1.0, API v1.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
               MCA timer: linux (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
                 MCA bml: r2 (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.1.0, Component v5.0.3)
                MCA coll: adapt (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.4.0, Component v5.0.3)
                MCA coll: basic (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.4.0, Component v5.0.3)
                MCA coll: han (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.4.0, Component v5.0.3)
                MCA coll: inter (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.4.0, Component v5.0.3)
                MCA coll: libnbc (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.4.0, Component v5.0.3)
                MCA coll: self (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.4.0, Component v5.0.3)
                MCA coll: sync (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.4.0, Component v5.0.3)
                MCA coll: tuned (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.4.0, Component v5.0.3)
                MCA coll: ftagree (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.4.0, Component v5.0.3)
                MCA coll: monitoring (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.4.0, Component v5.0.3)
                MCA coll: sm (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.4.0, Component v5.0.3)
                MCA fbtl: posix (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
               MCA fcoll: dynamic (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
               MCA fcoll: dynamic_gen2 (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.0.0, Component 
               MCA fcoll: individual (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
               MCA fcoll: vulcan (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
                  MCA fs: lustre (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
                  MCA fs: ufs (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
                MCA hook: comm_method (MCA v2.1.0, API v1.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
                  MCA io: ompio (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
                  MCA op: avx (MCA v2.1.0, API v1.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
                 MCA osc: sm (MCA v2.1.0, API v3.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
                 MCA osc: monitoring (MCA v2.1.0, API v3.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
                 MCA osc: rdma (MCA v2.1.0, API v3.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
                 MCA osc: ucx (MCA v2.1.0, API v3.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
                MCA part: persist (MCA v2.1.0, API v4.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
                 MCA pml: cm (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.1.0, Component v5.0.3)
                 MCA pml: monitoring (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.1.0, Component v5.0.3)
                 MCA pml: ob1 (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.1.0, Component v5.0.3)
                 MCA pml: ucx (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.1.0, Component v5.0.3)
                 MCA pml: v (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.1.0, Component v5.0.3)
            MCA sharedfp: individual (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
            MCA sharedfp: lockedfile (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
            MCA sharedfp: sm (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.0.0, Component v5.0.3)
                MCA topo: basic (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.2.0, Component v5.0.3)
                MCA topo: treematch (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.2.0, Component v5.0.3)
           MCA vprotocol: pessimist (MCA v2.1.0, API v2.0.0, Component v5.0.3)

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