Hi Enrico,

The Java API was designed as a wrapper for the XML-RPC API with some basic
helper methods, but it is not too high level oriented.
You have to know the internal xml structure of the data returned, and query
it using xpath expressions. Take a look at getName() and state() in


Carlos Martín, Cloud Technology Engineer/Researcher
DSA Research Group: web http://dsa-research.org and blog
OpenNebula Open Source Toolkit for Cloud Computing:

On 25 August 2010 22:32, Enrico Casini <ecas...@ihmc.us> wrote:

>  Hi,
> I'm doing some experiments with OpenNebula 2.0 beta and the Java API. I
> would like to know if there is a way (an exposed method) to know the
> relevant stats about a Host (like RVM, TCPU, FCPU, FMEM etc.), because after
> a couple of tests I didn't find anything. These are the stats that are
> available after running:
> onehost list
> And it seems strange to me that are not available (exposed) inside the Java
> API. I've also checked *org.opennebula.client.host.Host*
> http://opennebula.org/doc/oca/java/
> But it doesn't seem to be anything about that
> Thanks in advance for any help!
> Enrico Casini
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