I have been trying Open Nebula for a  couple of weeks now and so far it
works great, one of the complex steps of building the cloud is the storage.
After reading about LVM on the website and then from the mailing list I
managed to get it working , VG_NAME=/images, and now I can instance many
virtual machines to the pool within seconds or minutes without having  to
clone (wasting storage) the images or wasting bandwidth  transferring from
the front end to the nodes.
Now the problem I am facing is that the lvm/tm_delete.sh script can't manage
to delete the snapshots created by lvm/clone.sh. I have tried onevm $ID
delete,shutdown and cancel as recommended in a previous thread but none of
them worked.
This is the log output:

Wed Sep  1 16:20:47 2010 [InM][I]: Monitoring host (5)
Wed Sep  1 16:20:47 2010 [VMM][D]: Message received: LOG - 62 Driver command
for 62 cancelled

Wed Sep  1 16:20:47 2010 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 62 Command
execution fail: /srv/cloud/one/lib/tm_commands/lvm/tm_delete.sh

Wed Sep  1 16:20:47 2010 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 62 STDERR follows.

Wed Sep  1 16:20:47 2010 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 62 ERROR MESSAGE

Wed Sep  1 16:20:47 2010 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 62 "/images":
Invalid path for Logical Volume

Wed Sep  1 16:20:47 2010 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 62 "/images/":
Invalid path for Logical Volume

Wed Sep  1 16:20:47 2010 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 62 ERROR MESSAGE

Wed Sep  1 16:20:47 2010 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 62 ExitCode: 5

Wed Sep  1 16:20:47 2010 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 62 tm_delete.sh:
Deleting remote LVs

Wed Sep  1 16:20:47 2010 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 62 tm_delete.sh:
ERROR: Command "ssh sudo lvremove -f $(echo /images/$(sudo lvs
--noheadings /images|awk '{print $1}'|grep lv-one-62))" failed.

Wed Sep  1 16:20:47 2010 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 62 tm_delete.sh:
ERROR:   "/images": Invalid path for Logical Volume

Wed Sep  1 16:20:47 2010 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 62 "/images/":
Invalid path for Logical Volume

Wed Sep  1 16:20:47 2010 [TM][D]: Message received: TRANSFER FAILURE 62
"/images": Invalid path for Logical Volume

Wed Sep  1 16:20:47 2010 [TM][D]: Message received:   "/images/": Invalid
path for Logical Volume

Wed Sep  1 16:20:48 2010 [VMM][D]: Message received: CANCEL SUCCESS 62 -

Wed Sep  1 16:20:51 2010 [InM][D]: Host 5 successfully monitored.

After checking the script tm_delete.sh I see everything is fine , so I don't
understand why instead of /dev/images one is looking for /images/.

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