In my configuration we have small OS images (~ 1GB) and we allow the users
to use this image and expand the size as needed (via sparse image dd script)
as we don't have shared storage.   I have been leveraging the DISK -> SIZE
operation in the 1.4 template code base along with custom transfer manager
script to accomplish this today.  This has been working great and I've been
happy with it.  My question is with the changes in the 2.0 branch and with
the new images repo, what would be the best way to accomplish this task?
I'm all on board with the new 2.0 image structure, but I'm trying to figure
out how to proceed.

Thoughts I have so far:
1.  Modify the code to allow the SIZE option to be retained even though
image is specified; right now any extra template parmeters are removed
before saving to DB
2.  Create a special new parameter for sparse imaging growth, and modify tm
custom scripts to accommodate
3.  Throw out the whole tm custom scripts methodology and use hooks, but
still need method to store SIZE of final image in DB.
4.  Use context, but modify it to work before image is booted.

Right now I'm thinking modifying the code to allow the SIZE option to
propagate to the DB if a IMAGE is desired would be the best way to go, but
wanted some insight if this is best approach?

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