You are correct!  1.8.5 on RHEL 5.5

In the doc 1.8.5 is listed as the requirement for hosts, I didn't catch that there was a different requirement for the head node. Perhaps for the sake of consistency both platforms should have the same requirement listed...


On 10/28/10 3:12 PM, Javier Fontan wrote:

I have been checking that error and it seems you are using ruby<=
1.8.5 (maybe a RHEL installation?). That version lacks REXML::Format,
that we use to write the xml. We are looking into solutions for that.

Concerning hostname in onevm show can be added with this patch:

diff --git a/src/cli/onevm b/src/cli/onevm
index e454e20..7724976 100755
--- a/src/cli/onevm
+++ b/src/cli/onevm
@@ -812,6 +812,7 @@ true)
                  puts str % ["NAME",]
                  puts str % ["STATE", vm.state_str]
                  puts str % ["LCM_STATE", vm.lcm_state_str]
+                puts str % ["HOSTNAME", vm['HISTORY/HOSTNAME']]

                  if value==0

Adding the number of leases to onevnet show is a bit more tricky as
the xmlrpc call for show does not have that information. We can
iterate over leases and get the number but I don't think it is the
nicest way to do it. I'll check what can be done for that.

The patch for onevm is still not added to the repository, I have to
test it a bit more before adding that change.


On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 9:21 PM, Rich Wellner<>  wrote:
onevm show is missing hostname and user.

onevnet show is missing user and leases.

I think that's it.

Thanks for the tip about -x.  I didn't see that one yet.

-x didn't work on my node.  Unfortunately I can't do a cut and paste from
that machine, but I've attached a screen shot.

I get the same error regardless of where the -x is placed.


On 10/28/10 2:11 PM, Javier Fontan wrote:

Tell us the extra parameters you need for onevm show, if onevm list
shows that it is easy to add to show as the data is already there. You
can also use onevm show -x<vmid>    for scripts as its response is xml
with all the data that came from the xmlrpc call.


On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 8:06 PM, Rich Wellner<>    wrote:
As I've gotten down to some additional scripting, I've found that some of
the information shown in 'list' commands is not shown in 'show' commands.
Taking an example of onevm list/show that means that in order to get
complete information about a guest (i.e. including what host it is
on, I have to run both commands.  Is it possible to make the show
more complete in the future?


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