I am sorry. I haven't said that 755 are the wrong permissions. Just that
being new using opennebula i have encountered some "permission denied"
errors and by making the folder world-writable i have avoided them. I have
just mentioned as a quick fix to give everybody access to /var/lib/one. I
assume my problem originated from the oneadmin user being created without
necessary access rights. Because oneadmin also needs write permissions and
i think(excuse me if i am wrong) 755 means read-only for anyone other than
root. So my oneadmin user created from the install script does not have
write access needed for every opennebula operation as the one.db and
virtual machines files are there(images and deployment files).

But i insist, this might just be due to an incorrect installation process
performed by me and not due to incorrect access rights.


> Hello,
> thank you both for reporting these issues. There is indeed a problem with
>  /var/lock/one and /var/run/one directories getting removed on system
> restart. The problem is not OpenNebula Express but the binary packages
> themselves. We have opened an issue to provide init scripts which will
> recreate these directories.
> This will be fixed in the upcoming 2.0.1 maintanence release.
> There is one other thing that is still unclear to us: Daniel, you said
> that /var/lib/one wasn't created with the correct permissions, could you
> please elaborate? We think 755 are the correct permissions for that
> directory and not 777. Why do you need it to be world-writable?
> Regards,
> Jaime
> On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 8:49 AM, <daniel.moldo...@cs.utcluj.ro> wrote:
>> I think that the error is related to "export ONE_AUTH=/$HOME/.one-auth"
>>  and it means that there is no one_auth file. This file should contain
>> username:pasword of the opennebula user. but it might also be from some
>>  broken/missing ruby dependencies. You can also try install ruby-full
>> from a package manager.
>> Now about installing nebula. Using the express install is the easiest
>> way of getting things working(I am still talking of installing on a
>> Ubuntu
>> distribution). 1. You run the install on the client machine(using sudo
>> install.sh or something). The install script creates a "oneadmin" user
>> and generates a "rsa" key for this user. When it generates the
>> "node-install.sh" it copies
>> that key to the node-install script.
>> 2. If you add a node using "tm_ssh"( i have only used ssh, never nfs
>> because i am new at this too) then OpenNebula will get the host info by
>> using a "scp" to copy the "remotes" folder in the node /tmp/one and
>> then will connect using "ssh" to the node and call those ruby scripts.
>> NOTE1: one start must be done from the oneadmin user( so log in as
>> oneadmin , because this is why the instalation script creates it ) and
>> DO
>> NOT USE sudo. If you use SUDO for "sudo start one", nebula will try  to
>> ssh as root. NOTE2: to log in as oneadmin (i don't know the default
>> oneadmin password) i do a sudo passwd oneadmin and input another
>> password.
>> 3. The commands:
>>>> 1. export ONE_AUTH=/$HOME/.one-auth
>>>> 2. export ONE_XMLRPC=http://localhost:2633/RPC2
>>>> 3. sudo mkdir /var/run/one
>>>> 4. sudo mkdir /var/lock/one
>>>> 5. sudo chmod 0777 /var/run/one
>>>> 6. sudo chmod 0777 /var/lock/one
>>>> 7. one start
>> Need to be performed on the client machine from the "oneadmin" user
>> logged in. NOTE1: The install script should had created the
>> /$HOME/.one-auth
>> containing oneadmin:oneadmin inside. NOTE2: The password in the one_auth
>> file does NOT NEED TO match the password of the oneadmin user. They are
>> two separate things. The one_auth file is used for opennebula requests
>> for client validation.
>> 4. To install opennebula-node just run the node-install.sh on each
>> node. The node-install script also creates a oneadmin user. And more
>> important, it creates a  $HOME/.ssh (hidden folder, use Ctrl+H to see it
>> in a file manager). In this folder it creates(if not already existing) a
>> file called authorized_keys. Here the "rsa" key generated on the client
>> is placed. This file contains all the "rsa" keys used by anywone which
>> wants to be able to connect remotely to this node trough ssh. If the key
>> is not present a password is requested when issuing a ssh.
>> NOTE1: after running node-install, generate a password for oneadmin
>> user and log in as oneadmin. If you remain logged as other user the
>> nebula client will not be able to connect to the node to get info.
>> NOTE2: this steps only enable onehost add and onevm submit methods to
>> work. Migrate and onevm stop will fail because when migrating the nebula
>>  nodes communicate directly. And when issuing a stop the node will try
>> to save the state of the virtual machine and copy back the machine to
>> the nebula client. This two methods will fail because the nodes do not
>> have the "rsa" key of the other nodes in their
>> $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys file.
>> And also the nebula client does not have the keys of the nebula nodes.
>> So,
>> on each node, do a "ssh-keygen -t rsa". It will generate a id_rsa.pub.
>> Copy the key from the .pub file to the authorized_keys file on the
>> nebula client and of the other nebula nodes. Do this for each node. If
>> the authorized_keys file does not exist create it but see in the
>> node-install sh how is that created. VERRY IMPORTANT it must have
>> certain access rights and owner. A chmod 0600 and chown -R oneadmin
>> $HOME/.ssh  is necesary. But
>> search in the node-install script. There are the correct values.
>> În Vin, Noiembrie 5, 2010 6:42 pm, KING LABS a scris:
>>> Hi Daniel,
>>> What you said is right , I am still struggling to get things right
>>> .... I
>>> dont find opennebula docs to be straigt forward for a newbei , can you
>>>  ask you for help .
>>> I am hoping if you can brief me the steps to install opennebula from
>>> source or using express script in brief for me. I would really
>>> appreciate it.
>>> also can you help me to understand this error
>>> *onehost list*
>>> */usr/lib/one/ruby/OpenNebula.rb:77:in `initialize': ONE_AUTH file not
>>>  present (RuntimeError)* * **from
>>> /usr/lib/one/ruby/client_utilities.rb:239:in `new'*
>>> * **from /usr/lib/one/ruby/client_utilities.rb:239:in
>>> `get_one_client'*
>>> * **from /usr/bin/onehost:343*
>>> Regards,
>>> Kanthi
>>> On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 7:06 PM, <daniel.moldo...@cs.utcluj.ro> wrote:
>>>> There are several peculiar issues regarding the opennebula node.
>>>> Firstly,
>>>> it copies some files in /tmp/ and they get deleted on system
>>>> restart. Second, i found that it did not create /var/lib/one with
>>>> coresponding access rights.
>>>> So, in order to make the opennebula node work you need to take some
>>>>  steps each time the node is restarted(i am using Ubuntu server):
>>>> 1. Copy
>>>> the content of /usr/lib/one/remotes from the machine where nebula
>>>> client is installed to /tmp/one ( create /tmp/one) on the nebula
>>>> node 2. sudo "mkdir /var/lib/one" (if folder does not exist)
>>>> 3. sudo "chmod 0777 -R /var/lib/one" (just to be certain give anyone
>>>>  rights to access one)
>>>> Also, i have found that on the nebula client machine i need to
>>>> perform some similar tasks after system restart because folders
>>>> keept disappearing:
>>>> 1. export ONE_AUTH=/$HOME/.one-auth
>>>> 2. export ONE_XMLRPC=http://localhost:2633/RPC2
>>>> 3. sudo mkdir /var/run/one
>>>> 4. sudo mkdir /var/lock/one
>>>> 5. sudo chmod 0777 /var/run/one
>>>> 6. sudo chmod 0777 /var/lock/one
>>>> 7. one start
>>>> Hope this helps, because even with the express install configuring
>>>> nebula takes time. For example, the express install does not have
>>>> any means of adding the rsa key to the authorized_keys of the nebula
>>>> client so even if the deploy will work, the "stop" of a virtual
>>>> machine fails. In this case
>>>> the authorization keys have to be passed manually. The  same applies
>>>>  between nebula nodes(in order to enable migration).
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> I think that the express installation script has some issues, I
>>>>> have been struggling for successful installation of OpenNebula 2.0
>>>>> for past
>>>> few
>>>>> days.
>>>>> The variable *ONE_LOCATION=/srv/cloud/one *is used in the script
>>>>> but I do
>>>>> not see any such folder created by the script later. When I try to
>>>>>  deploy vms , it get created in  /var/lib/one/ and the error logs
>>>>>  shows
>>>> that
>>>>> theres some permission issues.
>>>>> Please let me know if anyone has also face the same issue and got
>>>>> it resolved.
>>>>> Regards.
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