I have installed ONE 2.0 on OpenSuse 11.3 but when I try to start it I get
the following error.
$one start
oned and scheduler started
$/srv/cloud/one/bin/mm_sched: symbol lookup error: /lib64/libssl.so.1.0.0:
undefined symbol: EVP_seed_cbc

 So one gets started but mm_sched doesn't.

These are the packages I have installed.
$zypper se ssl | grep "i |"
i | libopenssl-devel              | Include Files and Libraries mandatory
for Development     | paquete
i | libopenssl-devel              | openssl security update
                  | parche
i | libopenssl0_9_8               | Secure Sockets and Transport Layer
Security               | paquete
i | libopenssl0_9_8-32bit         | Secure Sockets and Transport Layer
Security               | paquete
i | libopenssl1_0_0               | Secure Sockets and Transport Layer
Security               | paquete
i | libopenssl1_0_0-32bit         | Secure Sockets and Transport Layer
Security               | paquete
i | libxmlsec1-openssl-devel      | OpenSSL crypto plugin for XML Security
Library            | paquete
i | libxmlsec1-openssl1           | OpenSSL crypto plugin for XML Security
Library            | paquete
i | openssl                       | Secure Sockets and Transport Layer
Security               | paquete
i | perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA        | RSA encoding and decoding, using the
openSSL libraries    | paquete
i | perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random     | Interface to OpenSSL PRNG methods
                  | paquete
i | perl-Crypt-SSLeay             | A perl module that provides LWP https
support             | paquete
i | perl-IO-Socket-SSL            | IO::Socket::SSL Perl Module
                  | paquete
i | perl-Net-SSLeay               | Net::SSLeay Perl Module
                  | paquete
i | php5-openssl                  | PHP5 Extension Module

This happened when I tried both the binary and the source build.
There are no ssl realted output in the logs.

Kind Regards
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