Thanks for your comments, we really appreciate your feedback, which
will be used to prepare the roadmap for the upcoming releases. There
are many people working on new unique innovative features in different
fields, such as high availability, fault tolerance and multi-tier
architectures. This innovation is being developed in collaboration
with several big organizations running very large scale
infrastructures. Some of these organizations are also allocating or
funding additional resources for development. This activity will
contribute to strengthen OpenNebula’s position as the leading and most
advanced technology to build cloud infrastructures.


On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 5:44 PM, Toens Bueker
<> wrote:
> Christophe Hamerling - Petals Link <> 
> wrote:
>> As an active open source developer and supporter I have no doubt about the
>> quality and maturity of OpenNebula.
>> I was just wondering if any user as also experience with OpenStack and can 
>> say
>> more about why they switched from OpenStack to OpenNebula (and I really hope
>> the switch is this one).
>> BTW, this will be probably a good point to list somewhere the OpenNebula
>> 'killer' features and why one should use OpenNebula instead of OpenStack.
>> It is something I wanted to ask last week at OW2 Conference but I think it is
>> quite complicated when both projects have representatives there... ;)
> It's always a little tricky to ask questions like this on mailinglists
> of "competing" projects. Readers would have to detect whether it is a
> trolling attempt or not.
> I cannot fathom, how many productive installations of OpenStack exist
> today. That's why it might be very difficult to find people or
> organisations that switched from OpenStack to OpenNebula.
> At the same time, I'm interested in OpenStacks general architecture
> (which I found after a few clicks under
> What I like about Nova is, that it support UML from the beginning.
> That's something I'd like to see in OpenNebula as well (or OpenVZ or
> LXC for that matter).
> Furthermore, as an OpenNebula user I'm interested in Swift and whether
> it can be integrated into OpenNebula as storage for VMs.
> At the moment there seems to be no reason to change from OpenNebula to
> OpenStack. And the only reason why Nasa and Rackspace have not
> considered OpenNebula as their new platform might be the effort that
> already went into the various components from which OpenStack was
> "composed".
> I like, that OpenNebula doesn't want to impose certain constraints on
> the users regarding his or her infrastructure. It integrates itself
> very well into existing setups. As a good toolkit should do.
> Kind regards,
> Töns
> --
> There is no safe distance.
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