
my problem is: I need to create and manage a vm through opennebula, I need to use VMware Server 2.0 as hypervisor and I have the VMware driver addons installed. I read the http://www.opennebula.org/documentation:rel2.0:evmwareg page, and then I tryed the onevmware strategy. I used the .vmdk and flat.vmdk files (taken from an already existing vm) and a template file (with the option NAME = "name-of-my-image" inside) for the onevmware command: everything goes fine and he registers my image in the image catalog. Then I follow what they say at the end of the page

   Following the two last sections, we can use a template for a VMware
   VM like:

   DISK=[IMAGE="VMware Win 7 Disk"]

   The |onevm| command will control the lifecycle of the VM as with
   other hypervisors natively supported by OpenNebula

The first thing I note is that in my case I need to specify an arch otherwise it says "error no ARCH found and not default defined". Anyway, after I define the ARCH I run onevm create <my-vm-template> and then onevm deploy, but when I run onevm show it says "State = failed".
Here is my vm.log file:

   Sun Dec 19 10:28:45 2010 [DiM][I]: New VM state is ACTIVE.
   Sun Dec 19 10:28:45 2010 [LCM][I]: New VM state is PROLOG.
   Sun Dec 19 10:28:45 2010 [VM][I]: Virtual Machine has no context
   Sun Dec 19 10:28:45 2010 [TM][I]: tm_clone.sh:
   Sun Dec 19 10:28:45 2010 [TM][I]: tm_clone.sh: DST:
   Sun Dec 19 10:28:45 2010 [TM][I]: tm_clone.sh: Creating directory
   Sun Dec 19 10:28:45 2010 [TM][I]: tm_clone.sh: Executed "mkdir -p
   Sun Dec 19 10:28:45 2010 [TM][I]: tm_clone.sh: Executed "chmod a+w
   Sun Dec 19 10:28:45 2010 [TM][I]: tm_clone.sh: Cloning
   Sun Dec 19 10:28:45 2010 [TM][I]: tm_clone.sh: Executed "cp -r
   Sun Dec 19 10:28:45 2010 [TM][I]: tm_clone.sh: Executed "chmod a+rw
   Sun Dec 19 10:28:45 2010 [LCM][I]: New VM state is BOOT
   Sun Dec 19 10:28:45 2010 [VMM][I]: Generating deployment file:
   Sun Dec 19 10:28:47 2010 [VMM][I]: Command execution fail:
   Sun Dec 19 10:28:47 2010 [VMM][I]: STDERR follows.
   Sun Dec 19 10:28:47 2010 [VMM][I]: [VMWARE] cmd failed
   [/srv/cloud/one/bin/tty_expect -u oneadmin -p oneadmin virsh -c
   gsx:// define
   /srv/cloud/one/var/19/deployment.0]. Stderr:
   Sun Dec 19 10:28:47 2010 [VMM][I]: errore: Impossibile definire il
   dominio da /srv/cloud/one/var/19/deployment.0
   Sun Dec 19 10:28:47 2010 [VMM][I]: errore: errore interno HTTP
   response code 503 for upload to
   Sun Dec 19 10:28:47 2010 [VMM][I]:
   Sun Dec 19 10:28:47 2010 [VMM][I]: . Stdout: ExitCode: 1
   Sun Dec 19 10:28:47 2010 [VMM][I]: ExitCode: 1
   Sun Dec 19 10:28:47 2010 [VMM][E]: Error deploying virtual machine
   Sun Dec 19 10:28:47 2010 [DiM][I]: New VM state is FAILED

Can you explain me where is the problem, please? What can I do to succesfully deploy a vm? I'm really desperate, I'm doing an internship and I'm stuck for more than a week trying to solve the problem.


Filippo Dalla Gassa

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