Hi Luigi,

There is a bug in the IM driver for VMware, is not reporting the Free
memory at all. I've opened a ticket to keep track of the issue [1], it
will be solved in the next release.



[1] http://dev.opennebula.org/issues/481

Constantino Vázquez Blanco, MSc
OpenNebula Major Contributor  / Cloud Researcher
www.OpenNebula.org | @tinova79

On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 12:56 PM, Luigi Fortunati
<luigi.fortun...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok, I tried some tests today.
> The hardware/software environment includes 2 cluster nodes (ESXi 4.1), 2Gb
> of RAM, 2 AMD Opteron 246 Processors (2GHz), trial version licenses. The
> opennebula installation is self-contained.
> 800MB of memory are used by the hypervisor itself (that info comes from
> vSphere Client) so only 1,2 GB are free, but OpenNebula seems unaware of
> that :-(
> oneadmin@custom2:/srv/cloud/templates/vm$ onehost list
>   ID NAME              CLUSTER  RVM   TCPU   FCPU   ACPU    TMEM    FMEM
>    2 custom7.sns.it    default    0    200    200    200      2G      0K
> on
>    1 custom6.sns.it    default    0    200    200    200      2G      0K
> on
> oneadmin@custom2:/srv/cloud/templates/vm$ onehost show 1
> ID                    : 1
> NAME                  : custom6.sns.it
> CLUSTER               : default
> STATE                 : MONITORED
> IM_MAD                : im_vmware
> VM_MAD                : vmm_vmware
> TM_MAD                : tm_vmware
> MAX MEM               : 2096460
> USED MEM (REAL)       : 0
> MAX CPU               : 200
> USED CPU (REAL)       : 0
> In each test I tried to start 3 VM using a nonpersistent image. The
> requirements of all of the three VM cannot be satisfied by a single cluster
> node.
> The VM template for the first test is:
> NAME = "Debian Server"
> CPU = 1
> MEMORY = 1024
> OS = [ ARCH = "i686" ]
> DISK = [IMAGE="Debian Server"]
> Only CPU and Memory info.
> Here is the result:
> oneadmin@custom2:/srv/cloud/templates/vm$ onevm list
>    ID     USER     NAME STAT CPU     MEM        HOSTNAME        TIME
>    66 oneadmin Debian S pend   0      0K                 00 00:07:47
>    67 oneadmin Debian S pend   0      0K                 00 00:07:45
>    68 oneadmin Debian S pend   0      0K                 00 00:07:18
> Forever in "pending" state... The VMs don't get scheduled
> oned.log doesn't report anything but resource polling informational
> messages.
> sched.log repeats this sequence:
> Tue Feb  8 10:02:06 2011 [HOST][D]: Discovered Hosts (enabled): 1 2
> Tue Feb  8 10:02:06 2011 [VM][D]: Pending virtual machines : 66 67 68
> Tue Feb  8 10:02:06 2011 [RANK][W]: No rank defined for VM
> Tue Feb  8 10:02:06 2011 [RANK][W]: No rank defined for VM
> Tue Feb  8 10:02:06 2011 [RANK][W]: No rank defined for VM
> Tue Feb  8 10:02:06 2011 [SCHED][I]: Select hosts
>         PRI     HID
>         -------------------
> Virtual Machine: 66
> Virtual Machine: 67
> Virtual Machine: 68
> VM template:
> NAME = "Debian Server"
> VCPU = 1
> MEMORY = 1024
> OS = [ ARCH = "i686" ]
> DISK = [IMAGE="Debian Server"]
> Only VCPU and MEMORY info.
> Results:
> oneadmin@custom2:/srv/cloud/templates/vm$ onevm list
>    ID     USER     NAME STAT CPU     MEM        HOSTNAME        TIME
>    76 oneadmin Debian S runn   0      0K  custom7.sns.it 00 00:07:40
>    77 oneadmin Debian S runn   0      0K  custom6.sns.it 00 00:07:38
>    78 oneadmin Debian S runn   0      0K  custom7.sns.it 00 00:05:58
> Everything seems fine, but it's not since, as I said previously, each host
> has only 1.2 GB of memory free, so there's should be no space for two VMs on
> the same host.
> oneadmin@custom2:/srv/cloud/templates/vm$ onehost list
>   ID NAME              CLUSTER  RVM   TCPU   FCPU   ACPU    TMEM    FMEM
>    2 custom7.sns.it    default    2    200    200    200      2G      0K
> on
>    1 custom6.sns.it    default    1    200    200    200      2G      0K
> on
> Both the hosts and the VMs report no useful info on the resource usage.
> Logging to the VM of each console and executing "free -m" command I checked
> that every VM has 1GB of total memory allocated. So i decided to test the GB
> of memory on both VM at the same time using the utility called "memtester"
> which allocate a given amount of free memory using malloc and test it. The
> results reported memory access problems.
> I decided here to go on and check if OpenNebula and VMWare ESXi fail to
> allocate VMs exceeding the resource capacity of the hosts, by starting two
> more VMs (requiring 1VCPU and 1GB memory each).
> Results:
> oneadmin@custom2:~/var/79$ onevm list
>    ID     USER     NAME STAT CPU     MEM        HOSTNAME        TIME
>    76 oneadmin Debian S runn   0      0K  custom7.sns.it 00 00:54:47
>    77 oneadmin Debian S runn   0      0K  custom6.sns.it 00 00:54:45
>    78 oneadmin Debian S runn   0      0K  custom7.sns.it 00 00:53:05
>    79 oneadmin Debian S boot   0      0K  custom7.sns.it 00 00:10:22
>    80 oneadmin Debian S boot   0      0K  custom7.sns.it 00 00:09:47
> The new VM are allocated on custom7 machine (why???) but remain frozen on
> "boot" state.
> That is a problem because those two new VM should not be allocated to any
> cluster node.
> Here I followed Ruben suggestion...
> The VM template:
> oneadmin@custom2:/srv/cloud/templates/vm$ cat debian.vm
> NAME = "Debian Server"
> CPU = 1
> VCPU = 1
> MEMORY = 1024
> OS = [ ARCH = "i686" ]
> DISK = [IMAGE="Debian Server"]
> Both CPU/VCPU and MEMORY info.
> Output with 3 VM:
> oneadmin@custom2:~/var$ onevm list
>    ID     USER     NAME STAT CPU     MEM        HOSTNAME        TIME
>    81 oneadmin Debian S pend   0      0K                 00 00:02:32
>    82 oneadmin Debian S pend   0      0K                 00 00:02:30
>    83 oneadmin Debian S pend   0      0K                 00 00:02:29
> As in FIRST TEST the VMs don't get scheduled and remain in "pending" state.
> sched.log repeats this message:
> Tue Feb  8 12:00:05 2011 [HOST][D]: Discovered Hosts (enabled): 1 2
> Tue Feb  8 12:00:05 2011 [VM][D]: Pending virtual machines : 81 82 83
> Tue Feb  8 12:00:05 2011 [RANK][W]: No rank defined for VM
> Tue Feb  8 12:00:05 2011 [RANK][W]: No rank defined for VM
> Tue Feb  8 12:00:05 2011 [RANK][W]: No rank defined for VM
> Tue Feb  8 12:00:05 2011 [SCHED][I]: Select hosts
> -------------------
> Virtual Machine: 81
> Virtual Machine: 82
> Virtual Machine: 83
> Here I assumed that probably I should not declare the number of physical CPU
> in the VM template.
> Another last test...
> Here I disabled an host, custom6, and started 3 VMs.
> The VM template is the one that worked before:
> oneadmin@custom2:/srv/cloud/templates/vm$ cat debian.vm
> NAME = "Debian Server"
> VCPU = 1
> MEMORY = 1024
> OS = [ ARCH = "i686" ]
> DISK = [IMAGE="Debian Server"]
> Output:
> oneadmin@custom2:~$ onehost list
>   ID NAME              CLUSTER  RVM   TCPU   FCPU   ACPU    TMEM    FMEM
>    2 custom7.sns.it    default    3    200    200    200      2G      0K
> on
>    1 custom6.sns.it    default    0    200    200    200      2G      0K
>  off
> oneadmin@custom2:~$ onevm list
>    ID     USER     NAME STAT CPU     MEM        HOSTNAME        TIME
>    92 oneadmin Debian S runn   0      0K  custom7.sns.it 00 00:12:53
>    93 oneadmin Debian S runn   0      0K  custom7.sns.it 00 00:12:46
>    94 oneadmin Debian S runn   0      0K  custom7.sns.it 00 00:12:46
> I verified if the VM were up and running by logging to the console of each
> one of them through vSphere Client and they were all running and declaring
> an amount of 1GB of total memory on each one of them. Since there is less
> than 1.2 GB of memory effectively free on a cluster node before the VMs
> instantiation how can those VMs run consistently? Why OpenNebula schedule
> those VM on the same machine exceeding even the host resource capacity?
> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 11:04 PM, Ruben S. Montero <rube...@dacya.ucm.es>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You have to add also de CPU capacity for the VM (apart from the number of
>> virtual cpus CPUs). The CPU value is used at the allocation phase. However
>> you are specifying MEMORY and should be included in the allocated memeory
>> (USED MEMORY in onehost show) So I guess there should be other problem with
>> your template.
>> Cheers
>> Ruben
>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 10:50 AM, Luigi Fortunati
>> <luigi.fortun...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I can post the VM template content on monday. However, as far as I
>>> remember, the vm template was really simple:
>>> NAME="Debian"
>>> VCPU= 2
>>> MEMORY=1024
>>> DISK=[IMAGE="Debian5-i386"]
>>> OS=[ARCH=i686]
>>> The VMs can boot and run, I can log on console through vSphere Client on
>>> the newly created VMs.
>>> I noticed that if you don't declare the number on VCPU the VM doesn't get
>>> scheduled on a cluster node. This option seems mandatory but I didn't find
>>> any mention about it on the documentation.
>>> Another thing that seems mandatory is declaring the cpu architecture as
>>> i686, otherwise OpenNebula will return error when writing the deployment.0
>>> file.
>>> On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 5:42 PM, Ruben S. Montero <rube...@dacya.ucm.es>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I am not sure this is related to the VMware monitoring... Can you send
>>>> the VM Templates?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Ruben
>>>> On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 5:10 PM, Luigi Fortunati
>>>> <luigi.fortun...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I noticed a serious problem about the usage of VMWare ESXi 4.1 and
>>>>> OpenNebula 2.0.1.
>>>>> I'm actually using the VMWare driver addon which can be found on the
>>>>> opennebula website (ver. 1.0) and libvirt (ver. 0.8.7).
>>>>> It happens that OpenNebula can't get information about the usage of
>>>>> resources on the cluster nodes.
>>>>> By running 2 VM (each one requires 2 VCPU and 1 GB of memory) and
>>>>> executing some commands I get this output.
>>>>> oneadmin@custom2:~/src$ onehost list
>>>>>   ID NAME              CLUSTER  RVM   TCPU   FCPU   ACPU    TMEM
>>>>>  FMEM STAT
>>>>>    2 custom7.sns.it    default    0    200    200    200      2G
>>>>>  0K  off
>>>>>    1 custom6.sns.it    default    2    200    200    200      2G
>>>>>  0K   on
>>>>> oneadmin@custom2:~/src$ onehost show 1
>>>>> ID                    : 1
>>>>> NAME                  : custom6.sns.it
>>>>> CLUSTER               : default
>>>>> STATE                 : MONITORED
>>>>> IM_MAD                : im_vmware
>>>>> VM_MAD                : vmm_vmware
>>>>> TM_MAD                : tm_vmware
>>>>> MAX MEM               : 2096460
>>>>> USED MEM (REAL)       : 0
>>>>> MAX CPU               : 200
>>>>> USED CPU (REAL)       : 0
>>>>> RUNNING VMS           : 2
>>>>> CPUSPEED=1992
>>>>> HYPERVISOR=vmware
>>>>> TOTALCPU=200
>>>>> TOTALMEMORY=2096460
>>>>> As you can see OpenNebula is unable to get correct information about
>>>>> the usage of resources on the cluster nodes.
>>>>> As these informations are used by the VM scheduler, OpenNebula is
>>>>> unable to schedule the VM correctly.
>>>>> I tried to create several VM and all of them were placed on the same
>>>>> host even if the latter was unable to satisfy the resource requirements of
>>>>> all the VMs.
>>>>> I think that this problem is strongly related to libvirt as OpenNebula
>>>>> use it to recover information about hosts and vm.
>>>>> Do you get the same behavior? Do you know if there is a way to solve
>>>>> this big issue?
>>>>> --
>>>>> Luigi Fortunati
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Users mailing list
>>>>> Users@lists.opennebula.org
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>>>> --
>>>> Dr. Ruben Santiago Montero
>>>> Associate Professor (Profesor Titular), Complutense University of Madrid
>>>> URL: http://dsa-research.org/doku.php?id=people:ruben
>>>> Weblog: http://blog.dsa-research.org/?author=7
>>> --
>>> Luigi Fortunati
>> --
>> Dr. Ruben Santiago Montero
>> Associate Professor (Profesor Titular), Complutense University of Madrid
>> URL: http://dsa-research.org/doku.php?id=people:ruben
>> Weblog: http://blog.dsa-research.org/?author=7
> --
> Luigi Fortunati
> _______________________________________________
> Users mailing list
> Users@lists.opennebula.org
> http://lists.opennebula.org/listinfo.cgi/users-opennebula.org
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