By the way, this is a new problem in OpenNebula 2.x. I had similar setup
working on version 1.4 without issue.


On Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 4:59 PM, Shi Jin <> wrote:

> Hi there,
> From the documentation, it says
> >  Virtual Networks created by oneadmin can be used by every other user.
> I have created two vNETs, intranet-office and LAN-1, both created by the
> oneadmin user (uid=0) and as the document says, any other user can use these
> vnets, at least in my experience, one VNET per VM.
> But I found that if another user wants to deploy a VM with two NICs, both
> owned by uid=0, then we will get a permission error:
> > Sat Feb 26 16:51:44 2011 [ReM][E]: [VirtualMachineAllocate] User [6] not
> authorized to perform CREATE on VM Pool
> If I publish any one of the VNET, the dual NIC setup would work again.
> I think this is probably a bug, right?
> --
> Shi Jin, Ph.D.

Shi Jin, Ph.D.
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