        I encountered one problem during VM creation tests.

Problem: VM machine created by "sunstone" with registered OS image is
running without disk image.
Workaround: use "onevm create" insteadly.

>From deployment file, no disk argument existed.

=============== VM created by sunstone web interface ==================
[root@host1 bin]# cat /var/lib/one/6/images/deployment.0
<domain type='kvm'>
                <type arch='i686'>hvm</type>
                <boot dev='hd'/>
                <graphics type='vnc' listen=''


=============== VM created by onevm command ==================
[root@host1 bin]# cat /var/lib/one/7/images/deployment.0
<domain type='kvm'>
                <type arch='i686'>hvm</type>
                <boot dev='hd'/>
                <disk type='file' device='disk'>
                        <source file='/var/lib/one//7/images/disk.0'/>
                        <target dev='hda'/>
                        <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>

        Some info:
[root@cloudmanager images]# onevm list
   ID     USER     NAME STAT CPU     MEM        HOSTNAME        TIME
    6     root   test-5 runn  12    512M 00 00:11:12
    7     root   test-6 pend   0      0K                 00 00:00:03
[root@cloudmanager images]# 
[root@cloudmanager images]# oneimage list
  ID     USER                 NAME TYPE              REGTIME PUB PER
   2     root test_image_register_   OS   Mar 09, 2011 02:38 Yes  No
used     1
[root@cloudmanager images]# 
[root@cloudmanager images]# rpm -qa | grep -i openNe
[root@cloudmanager images]# cat vmtest.conf 
NAME = test-6
MEMORY = 512
CPU = 1

EMULATOR = /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm

ARCH = i686

BOOT = hd

DISK = [ IMAGE= "test_image_register_ttylinux" ]

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