El 21/03/11 13:12, ignazio.cass...@provincia.torino.it escribió:
> Hello, I installed opennebula_2.1.80-1 and sunstone.
> When I create a Vm using sunstone it created the disk under
> /var/lib/one/imageID/images rather than nfs directory (in my case
> /srv/cloud/one/var/imagesID/images).
> It creates correctly a deployment.0 file in nfs directory... for example
> /srv/cloud/one/var/26/images/deployment.0 .
> In the above file the disk path is:/srv/cloud/one/var/26/images/disk.0
> but sunsune create it in var/lib/one/26/images
> Could you help me, please ?
> Thanks and Regards
> Ignazio


your issue seems not related to Sunstone (can you check if it happens
through the command line interface as well?).

Please make sure that you are running one with the $ONE_LOCATION
variable properly set and that the VM_DIR in oned.conf is also correct.

It is not very clear to me what is happening though, and perhaps someone
else can give more hints.

Héctor Sanjuan
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