I am trying to install Opennebula on Centos. I've followed the installation
guide [1],
but when i go to run the "scons" command, i receive the following error:
[oneadmin@localhost opennebula-2.2]$ scons
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Testing recipe: pkg-config
  Error calling pkg-config xmlrpc_server_abyss++ --static --libs
Testing recipe: xmlrpc-c-config
share/scons/get_xmlrpc_config:210:in `initialize': Permission denied -
.xmlrpc_test/xmlrpc_test.d6deeb.cc (Errno::EACCES)
        from share/scons/get_xmlrpc_config:210:in `open'
        from share/scons/get_xmlrpc_config:210:in `gen_test_file'
        from share/scons/get_xmlrpc_config:225:in `test_config'
        from share/scons/get_xmlrpc_config:240:in `search_config'
        from share/scons/get_xmlrpc_config:239:in `each'
        from share/scons/get_xmlrpc_config:239:in `search_config'
        from share/scons/get_xmlrpc_config:251

Error searching for xmlrpc-c libraries. Please check this things:

 * You have installed development libraries for xmlrpc-c. One way to check
   this is calling xmlrpc-c-config that is provided with the development
 * Check that the version of xmlrpc-c is at least 1.06. You can do this also
   $ xmlrpc-c-config --version
 * If all this requirements are already met please send log files located in
   .xmlrpc_test to the mailing list.

TypeError: 'str' object is not callable:
  File "/tmp/opennebula-2.2/SConstruct", line 155:

I already installed all the needed packages, also xmlrpc-c and gcc-c++.
Please Help

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