
Please try the following:

my_file.puts "OpenNebula host  #{vm_ids_array.class}"
my_file.puts vm_ids_array.class

Also, please send the output of

$ onehost list -x
$ onevm list -x



Constantino Vázquez Blanco | dsa-research.org/tinova
Virtualization Technology Engineer / Researcher
OpenNebula Toolkit | opennebula.org

On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 5:23 PM, Zaina AFOULKI
<zaina.afou...@ensi-bourges.fr> wrote:
> Hi Tino,
> I added this to the ruby script (I'm new to Ruby, so I'm not sure it's
> correct):
> my_file.puts "OpenNebula host  #{vm_ids_array.class}"
> for item in 0...vm_ids_array.length
>        my_file.puts " #{vm_ids_array[item]}";
> end
> $cat /tmp/remove_me.txt
> OpenNebula host has failed 31
> NilClass
> oned.log:
> Fri Apr  1 17:16:36 2011 [HKM][D]: Message received: LOG - 31 Command
> execution fail: /home/oneadmin/one/share/hooks/host_error.rb 31 -r y
> Fri Apr  1 17:16:36 2011 [HKM][D]: Message received: LOG - 31 STDERR
> follows.
> Fri Apr  1 17:16:36 2011 [HKM][D]: Message received: LOG - 31
> /home/oneadmin/one/share/hooks/host_error.rb:81: undefined method `length'
> for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
> Thanks for your help,
> --
> Zaina
> On Fri, 1 Apr 2011 12:31:21 +0100, Tino Vazquez wrote:
>> Hi Zaina,
>> Could you please print out also the content of "vm_ids_array"? I am
>> afraid the xpath expression may not be doing its job.
>> Regards,
>> -Tino
>> --
>> Constantino Vázquez Blanco, MSc
>> OpenNebula Major Contributor
>> www.OpenNebula.org | @tinova79
>> On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 8:57 AM, Zaina AFOULKI
>> <zaina.afou...@ensi-bourges.fr> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I checked the ruby script that's called and it seems that the array
>>> containing the list of VMs is empty
>>> vm_ids_array =
>>> vms.retrieve_elements("/VM_POOL/VM[STATE=3]/HISTORY[HOSTNAME=\"#{host_name}\"]/../ID")
>>> I tried printing something to a tmp file to make sure that the script
>>> gets
>>> the right host id.
>>> my_file = File.new("/tmp/remove_me.txt", "w")
>>> my_file.puts "OpenNebula host has failed #{ARGV[0]}"
>>> The hostname and host_id are correctly detected by the script.
>>> Thank you for any hints on how to fix this,
>>> --
>>> Zaina
>>> On Thu, 31 Mar 2011 16:36:22 +0200, Zaina AFOULKI wrote:
>>>> I just checked back the oned.log and it seems that the hook is executed
>>>> [HKM][D]: Message received: EXECUTE SUCCESS 31 disable
>>>> However the VMs aren't re-submitted as expected ?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> --
>>>> Zaina
>>>> On Thu, 31 Mar 2011 16:20:27 +0200, Zaina AFOULKI wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I'm having some trouble getting the HOST_HOOKS to work:
>>>>> I added this to the configuration file and restarted oned.
>>>>> HOST_HOOK = [
>>>>>    name      = "disable",
>>>>>    on        = "DISABLE",
>>>>>    command   = "host_error.rb",
>>>>>    arguments = "$HID -r y",
>>>>>    remote    = "no" ]
>>>>> However when I disable a host using "onehost disable" the VMs aren't
>>>>> re-submitted.
>>>>> The oned.log doesn't indicate that the hook has been triggered.
>>>>> I'm using OpenNebula 2.2 and the script host_error.rb is indeed
>>>>> located in my $ONE_LOCATION/share/hooks/
>>>>> What am I doing wrong? Thanks
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> --
> Étudiante à l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Bourges.
> 1ère année Sécurité et Technologies Informatiques
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