According to the last update in  issue #572

>>>>> "r" == redmine  <> writes:

r> Issue #572 has been updated by Ruben S. Montero.

r> Target version changed from Release 2.2 to Release 2.4

r> This is initially scheduled for 2.4

does the OpenNebula team plan to  include my contribution in the code,
and  if  yes, which  kind  of  exception  (the  Error or  the  Runtime
Exception) ?

I ask  this because I  am working on  a OVF aware  OCCI implementation
that relies on the OCA API (for Venus-C)  and I wonder if I can use my
modified code now or this spells trouble.

Zeeshan, your opinion is welcome, too!

ing. Gian Uberto Lauri
Ricercatore / Reasearcher
Laboratorio Ricerca e Sviluppo / Research & Development Lab.
Area Calcolo Distribuito / Distributed Computation Area

Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa
Corso Stati Uniti 23/C, 35127 Padova (PD) 

Tel. +39-049.8283.571         | main(){printf(&unix["\021%six\012\0"], 
Fax  +39-049.8283.569             |    (unix)["have"]+"fun"-0x60);}   
Skype: gian.uberto.lauri          |          David Korn, AT&T Bell Labs                              |          ioccc best One Liner, 1987 
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