
since i hear a  speech from Tino Vazquez on the OSDC in Germany (which was 
really good), im very interested in opennebula. 
After reading documentation und testing some parts there seems to be a problem 
with our uncommon Xen-configuration.

We have no central storage for the images. The images are copied over ssh to 
the hosts (Dom0).
Our DomUs based on LVM-partitions, which are directly mounted in the DomU. 
They appear as a partition and not as a disk in the DomU.  
The disk configuration for a DomU is like following:


To save a DomU we mount the LVM-Partition in the Dom0 and make a tar-archive 
of the files and directories in the partition. A copy of the kernel and the 
initrd  is provided in the Dom0 to start the DomU with the Xen-bootloader.

Does support Opennebula such a type of configuration and if not, how difficult 
it is to adjust it? Where i must start, if i want integrate these 

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