> between all the hosts to allow live migration.  If for any reason NFS
> connection is lost and user tries to create a new VM the following
> opennebula commands hangs and sits there for over.

What mount options are you using for the storage?  In theory if you
mount with '-o soft', processes blocked on access to the storage will
eventually get an error.  This is from the nfs(5) man page:

  If the soft option is  specified,  then  the  NFS  client fails an
  NFS request after retrans retransmissions have been sent, causing the
  NFS client to return an error to the calling application.

In the sort of situation you describe, there's not really any way for
OpenNebula to "check the storage connectivity", because any commands
that attempt to access the storage will get stuck in exactly the same

Lars Kellogg-Stedman <l...@seas.harvard.edu>
Senior Technologist
Harvard University SEAS
Academic and Research Computing (ARC)
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