Would you mind to try specifying:
instead of

Kind regards.

On 4 May 2011 19:14, Lars Kellogg-Stedman <l...@seas.harvard.edu> wrote:
>> Maybe the problem is related to the previous point. The Signature that
>> will authenticate the user is generated using the EC2_URL, maybe the
>> server is ignoring the path section. Would you mind to try starting
>> the server without path?.
> I've been able to get the EC2 service to work using eucatools, but I'm
> still getting errors from the OpenNebula econe-* tools.
> On my server
> ============
> Some users:
> $ oneuser list
>  ID USER            PASSWORD
>   0 oneadmin        0000000000000000000006a93faca14fc10535cd
>   2 lars            0000000000000000000031a0e299fc73d9480cca
> And I've got this in /etc/one/econe.conf:
>  ONE_XMLRPC=http://localhost:2633/RPC2
>  PORT=5678
>  SSL_SERVER=arc-vm-opennebula.int.seas.harvard.edu
>  VM_TYPE=[NAME=m1.small, TEMPLATE=m1.small.erb]
> Setting SSL_SERVER was necessary to make eucatools work.  I think
> calling these variables SSL_* (here and for the occi server) is a
> misnomer, but that's a topic for another message.
> And a proxy:
>        <Location />
>                ProxyPass http://localhost:5678/
>                ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:5678/
>        </Location>
> On my client
> ============
> My EC2 environment variables:
>  $ env | grep EC2
>  EC2_SECRET_KEY=0000000000000000000031a0e299fc73d9480cca
>  EC2_URL=http://arc-vm-opennebula.int.seas.harvard.edu/
>  EC2_ACCESS_KEY=lars
> I can use euca-describe-images:
>  $ euca-describe-images
>  IMAGE ami-00000001    6f960969f2d58fb644f6e8977c0c689f88e12519        lars   
>  available       public          i386    machine
>  IMAGE ami-00000005    0bfded25fc948c6f0e162f3eb09469f486a89cfe        lars   
>  available       public          i386    machine
>  IMAGE ami-00000006    cf3aa9f7b95fe10a03f1688f3b6f54e26504e0a2        lars   
>  available       private         i386    machine
>  IMAGE ami-00000007    3e934b797772643e44b2a86ec4fdb50e35429ed9        lars   
>  available       private         i386    machine
> But with the same configuration econe-describe-images fails:
>  $ econe-describe-images
>  econe-describe-images: User not authorized
> I'd really like to get the OpenNebula tools working.  Any thoughts?
> --
> Lars Kellogg-Stedman <l...@seas.harvard.edu>
> Senior Technologist
> Harvard University SEAS
> Academic and Research Computing (ARC)

Daniel Molina, Cloud Technology Engineer/Researcher
Major Contributor
OpenNebula - The Open Source Toolkit for Cloud Computing
www.OpenNebula.org | dmol...@opennebula.org
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