Hello Zeeshan,

in OpenNebula currently only version 1.0 is supported, but we started
development for OCCI 1.1. An official announcement of the project as
OpenNebula Ecosystem project is planned for next week. We still need to
tidy up a bit and add some usage notes.

The Sourcecode can be found at:

Until further notice, the sourcecode is still considered experimental!


Am 06.05.11 11:49 schrieb "Zeeshan Ali Shah" unter <zas...@pdc.kth.se>:

>It seems that OCCI new spec has been released ..  the current Impl of
>OCCI under ONE is according this spec or old one ?
>Zeeshan Ali Shah
>System Administrator
>PDC-Center for High Performance Computing
>CSC School of Computer Science and Communication
>KTH-Royal Institute of Technology , Sweden
>+46 8 790 9115
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