Hello All,

I have recently upgraded to libvirt 0.9 from libvirt 0.83 on the nodes. I
have added oneadmin user to the libvirt and libvirtd group. After launching
a VM using one and I checked the details of VM using virsh list on the
specific node.
In vim /etc/groups its showing the oneadmin under the libvirt and libvirtd

When I ran command using virsh list from oneadmin user it returned empty.
oneadmin@cloud-4:~$ virsh list
 Id Name                 State

But when I ran the command using root I returned the correct details
root@cloud-4:~# virsh list
 Id Name                 State
  1 one-42               running

Can you please help me in resolving this issue.

Koushik Annapureddy
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