
I think the deployment is failing because the host is en error state.

It seems that when ONE is trying to monitor it, the host
closes the connection.

You should make sure that you are running OpenNebula commands with the
'oneadmin' user and that this user has passwordless ssh access to the
host. You can assign a password to the oneadmin unix user with 'passwd
oneadmin' as root. Then you should be able to login with it and test if
'ssh' is working well.

Hope it helps,


El 09/06/11 17:44, Robert Schweikert escribió:
> Hi,
> Still working on packaging things properly for openSUSE and trying to
> get OpenNebula running. I've managed to get most things up and running
> but am now stuck with a failure when I try to launch a VM.
> I have one host registered:
> # onhost list
>    0       default    0      0      0    100      0K 0K  err
> Not sure what to make of the "err" state/status
> After I run
> # onevm create testVM.vmd
> The VM is created and shows as pending (sits there for quite a long
> time, thus I suspect there is something going on that I am not aware
> of). When I force the deployment
> # onevm deploy 0 0
> I end up with the fail state
> # onevm list
>    ID     USER     NAME STAT CPU     MEM        HOSTNAME        TIME
>     0 oneadmin suse-tes fail   0      0K 00 00:22:47
> The log contains the following information:
> Thu Jun  9 10:58:23 2011 [ReM][D]: VirtualMachineDeploy invoked
> Thu Jun  9 10:58:23 2011 [ReM][E]: [VirtualMachineDeploy] Error getting
> HOST [0].
> ....
> Thu Jun  9 11:15:37 2011 [InM][I]: Command execution fail: scp -r
> /var/lib/one/remotes/.
> Thu Jun  9 11:15:37 2011 [InM][I]: STDERR follows.
> Thu Jun  9 11:15:37 2011 [InM][I]: Warning: Permanently added
> '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
> Thu Jun  9 11:15:37 2011 [InM][I]: Connection closed by
> Thu Jun  9 11:15:37 2011 [InM][I]: lost connection
> Thu Jun  9 11:15:37 2011 [InM][I]: ExitCode: 1
> Thu Jun  9 11:15:47 2011 [InM][I]: Command execution fail: 'if [ -x
> "/var/tmp/one/im/run_probes" ]; then /var/tmp/one/im/run_probes kvm
>; else                              exit 42; fi'
> Thu Jun  9 11:15:47 2011 [InM][I]: STDERR follows.
> Thu Jun  9 11:15:47 2011 [InM][I]: Connection closed by
> Thu Jun  9 11:15:47 2011 [InM][I]: ExitCode: 255
> Thu Jun  9 11:15:47 2011 [InM][E]: Error monitoring host 0 : MONITOR
> FAILURE 0 Could not monitor host
> Thu Jun  9 11:16:20 2011 [DiM][D]: Deploying VM 0
> Thu Jun  9 11:16:23 2011 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 0 tm_clone.sh:
> SUSENebula-Head:/var/lib/one//images/44833e18c42179d7012a9229ade7aad049399aef
> Thu Jun  9 11:16:23 2011 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 0 tm_clone.sh:
> DST: /var/lib/one//0/images/disk.0
> Thu Jun  9 11:16:23 2011 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 0 tm_clone.sh:
> Creating directory /var/lib/one//0/images
> Thu Jun  9 11:16:23 2011 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 0 tm_clone.sh:
> Executed "mkdir -p /var/lib/one//0/images".
> Thu Jun  9 11:16:23 2011 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 0 tm_clone.sh:
> Executed "chmod a+w /var/lib/one//0/images".
> Thu Jun  9 11:16:23 2011 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 0 tm_clone.sh:
> Cloning /var/lib/one//images/44833e18c42179d7012a9229ade7aad049399aef
> Thu Jun  9 11:16:23 2011 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 0 tm_clone.sh:
> Executed "cp -r
> /var/lib/one//images/44833e18c42179d7012a9229ade7aad049399aef
> /var/lib/one//0/images/disk.0".
> Thu Jun  9 11:16:23 2011 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 0 tm_clone.sh:
> Executed "chmod a+rw /var/lib/one//0/images/disk.0".
> Thu Jun  9 11:16:23 2011 [TM][D]: Message received: TRANSFER SUCCESS 0 -
> Thu Jun  9 11:16:26 2011 [ReM][D]: HostPoolInfo method invoked
> Thu Jun  9 11:16:26 2011 [ReM][D]: VirtualMachinePoolInfo method invoked
> Thu Jun  9 11:16:28 2011 [ReM][D]: VirtualMachinePoolInfo method invoked
> Thu Jun  9 11:16:38 2011 [VMM][D]: Message received: LOG - 0 Command
> execution fail: 'if [ -x "/var/tmp/one/vmm/kvm/deploy" ]; then
> /var/tmp/one/vmm/kvm/deploy /var/lib/one//0/images/deployment.0; else
>                            exit 42; fi'
> Thu Jun  9 11:16:38 2011 [VMM][D]: Message received: LOG - 0 STDERR
> follows.
> Thu Jun  9 11:16:38 2011 [VMM][D]: Message received: LOG - 0 Connection
> closed by
> Thu Jun  9 11:16:38 2011 [VMM][D]: Message received: LOG - 0 ExitCode: 255
> Thu Jun  9 11:16:38 2011 [VMM][D]: Message received: DEPLOY FAILURE 0
> Connection closed by
> Thu Jun  9 11:16:38 2011 [VMM][D]: Message received: ExitCode: 255
> Thu Jun  9 11:16:39 2011 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 0
> tm_delete.sh: Deleting /var/lib/one//0/images
> Thu Jun  9 11:16:39 2011 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG - 0
> tm_delete.sh: Executed "rm -rf /var/lib/one//0/images".
> Thu Jun  9 11:16:39 2011 [TM][D]: Message received: TRANSFER SUCCESS 0 -
> This doesn't tell me a hole lot, but I am hoping this has some meaning
> to someone on the list.
> The only thing I can suspect is that the oneadmin user is not allowed
> for interactive login, which is in accordance to the documentation given
> here:
> http://opennebula.org/documentation:rel2.2:plan
> This page does not state that the oneadmin user needs a password for
> interactive login, and the user is distinctly created without a password:
> # useradd -d /srv/cloud/one -g cloud -m oneadmin
> The /var/lib/one home directory is NFS mounted on the node and the ssh
> keys have the proper permissions. Based on the ssh warning from the log
> (see above) about adding the host to known_hosts, I would say ssh
> connection is working as expected.
> What am I missing?
> Help is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Robert

Héctor Sanjuán
OpenNebula Sunstone Developer
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