
My ONE seems to work fine except that I cant do Live Migrate. From hosts I
can connect to other hosts virtual manager's console and I can perform
migrate from host's console and also I can perform migrate from front-end.

I did uncomment listen on TCP in libvirtd.conf and changed
in /var/tmp/one/vmm/kvm/kvmrc but i cant perform livemigrate and VM logs

Mon Jun 20 01:10:56 2011 [DiM][I]: New VM state is ACTIVE. Mon Jun 20
01:10:56 2011 [LCM][I]: New VM state is PROLOG. Mon Jun 20 01:10:56 2011
[VM][I]: Virtual Machine has no context Mon Jun 20 01:10:56 2011 [TM][I]:
tm_clone.sh: front-end:/srv/cloud/images/ttylinux.img
Mon Jun 20 01:10:56 2011 [TM][I]: tm_clone.sh: DST:
/srv/cloud/one/var//110/images/disk.0 Mon Jun 20 01:10:56 2011 [TM][I]:
tm_clone.sh: Creating directory /srv/cloud/one/var//110/images Mon Jun 20
01:10:56 2011 [TM][I]: tm_clone.sh: Executed "mkdir -p
/srv/cloud/one/var//110/images". Mon Jun 20 01:10:56 2011 [TM][I]:
tm_clone.sh: Executed "chmod a+w /srv/cloud/one/var//110/images". Mon Jun 20
01:10:56 2011 [TM][I]: tm_clone.sh: Cloning /srv/cloud/images/ttylinux.img
Mon Jun 20 01:10:56 2011 [TM][I]: tm_clone.sh: Executed "cp -r
/srv/cloud/images/ttylinux.img /srv/cloud/one/var//110/images/disk.0". Mon
Jun 20 01:10:56 2011 [TM][I]: tm_clone.sh: Executed "chmod a+rw
/srv/cloud/one/var//110/images/disk.0". Mon Jun 20 01:10:56 2011 [LCM][I]:
New VM state is BOOT Mon Jun 20 01:10:56 2011 [VMM][I]: Generating
deployment file: /srv/cloud/one/var/110/deployment.0 Mon Jun 20 01:10:57
2011 [LCM][I]: New VM state is RUNNING Mon Jun 20 01:12:50 2011 [LCM][I]:
New VM state is SAVE_MIGRATE Mon Jun 20 01:12:56 2011 [LCM][I]: New VM state
is PROLOG_MIGRATE Mon Jun 20 01:12:56 2011 [TM][I]: tm_mv.sh: Will not move,
source and destination are equal Mon Jun 20 01:12:56 2011 [LCM][I]: New VM
state is BOOT Mon Jun 20 01:12:59 2011 [LCM][I]: New VM state is RUNNING Mon
Jun 20 01:14:02 2011 [LCM][I]: New VM state is SAVE_MIGRATE Mon Jun 20
01:14:11 2011 [LCM][I]: New VM state is PROLOG_MIGRATE Mon Jun 20 01:14:11
2011 [TM][I]: tm_mv.sh: Will not move, source and destination are equal Mon
Jun 20 01:14:11 2011 [LCM][I]: New VM state is BOOT Mon Jun 20 01:14:12 2011
[LCM][I]: New VM state is RUNNING Mon Jun 20 01:14:54 2011 [LCM][I]: New VM
state is SAVE_MIGRATE Mon Jun 20 01:14:56 2011 [LCM][I]: New VM state is
PROLOG_MIGRATE Mon Jun 20 01:14:56 2011 [TM][I]: tm_mv.sh: Will not move,
source and destination are equal Mon Jun 20 01:14:56 2011 [LCM][I]: New VM
state is BOOT Mon Jun 20 01:14:58 2011 [LCM][I]: New VM state is RUNNING Mon
Jun 20 01:16:18 2011 [LCM][I]: New VM state is MIGRATE Mon Jun 20 01:16:18
2011 [VMM][I]: Command execution fail: 'if [ -x
"/var/tmp/one/vmm/kvm/migrate" ]; then /var/tmp/one/vmm/kvm/migrate one-110; else exit 42; fi' Mon Jun 20 01:16:18 2011 [VMM][I]: STDERR
follows. Mon Jun 20 01:16:18 2011 [VMM][I]: error: cannot recv data:
Connection reset by peer Mon Jun 20 01:16:18 2011 [VMM][I]: ExitCode: 1 Mon
Jun 20 01:16:18 2011 [VMM][E]: Error live-migrating VM, error: cannot recv
data: Connection reset by peer Mon Jun 20 01:16:18 2011 [LCM][I]: Fail to
life migrate VM. Assuming that the VM is still RUNNING (will poll VM). Mon
Jun 20 01:16:19 2011 [VMM][D]: Monitor Information: CPU : 2 Memory: 262144
Net_TX: 1438 Net_RX: 8036

if I change kvmrc to LIBVIRT_URI=qemu+ssh:///system it gives me that it can
not connect to hypervisor. the libvirtd log doesn't show any error and even
the VM log in /var/log/libvirt/qemu/ does not show any error. Should I make
hosts to have an ssh passwordless connection as well? or I am missing
something here?
All my hosts and front-end are Ubuntu 10.04.

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