Title: Firma de correo

I need to add a iptables rule when one VM is running. I had thought to solve this using one virtual machine hook.

The lines added in the oned.log file are:

    name      = "redir_vnc",
    on        = "RUNNING",
    command   = "redir_vnc.sh",
    arguments = "$GRAPHICS[TYPE] $HID $GRAPHICS[PORT] x.x.x.x",
    remote    = "no" ]

The shell script is in the directory $ONE_LOCATION/share/hooks. Is this OK? The command can be a shell script? Because the command does not execute and I do not see anything in the logs.

Some idea? I have been reading this information [1], you know some other info than it can help me?

Thanks in advance.

[1] http://opennebula.org/documentation:rel2.2:hooks

María Ascensión Pérez García
Engineering & Support
Catón Sistemas Alternativos

Telf: 951 254 008
Fax: +34 958 750 447

Calle Parque de las Ciencias
C.P. 18006 - Granada (Spain)

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