
I am trying to run some custom hook on remote/cluster node.
I defined the hook as below:
    name      = "vzfirewall",
    on        = "RUNNING",
    command   = "vzfirewall.sh",
    arguments = "",
    remote    = "yes" ]

and create the vzfirewall.sh file:
$ ll $ONE_LOCATION/share/hooks/vzfirewall.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 oneadmin cloud 42 Aug 1 22:00 /srv/cloud/one/one-2.2.1/share/hooks/vzfirewall.sh

with the following content:
[FN]$ cat $ONE_LOCATION/share/hooks/vzfirewall.sh

sudo /usr/sbin/vzfirewall -a

So that hook has to invoke /usr/sbin/vzfirewall script located on all CNs.

[CNs]$ ll /usr/sbin/vzfirewall
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 7661 Jun  4 13:36 /usr/sbin/vzfirewall

After defining that hook in oned.conf the oned had been restarted and in oned.log the relevant line appeared:

But when VM reaches the RUNNING state on CN, the following errors appear in the oned.log:
Wed Aug  3 12:27:35 2011 [VMM][D]: Message received: DEPLOY SUCCESS 28 128
Wed Aug 3 12:27:36 2011 [HKM][D]: Message received: LOG - 28 Command execution fail: '/srv/cloud/one/one-2.2.1/share/hooks/vzfirewall.sh ""' Wed Aug 3 12:27:36 2011 [HKM][D]: Message received: LOG - 28 STDERR follows. Wed Aug 3 12:27:36 2011 [HKM][D]: Message received: LOG - 28 Warning: Permanently added '<CN_hostname>,<CN_IP-address>' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. Wed Aug 3 12:27:36 2011 [HKM][D]: Message received: LOG - 28 bash: /srv/cloud/one/one-2.2.1/share/hooks/vzfirewall.sh: No such file or directory
Wed Aug  3 12:27:36 2011 [HKM][D]: Message received: LOG - 28 ExitCode: 127
Wed Aug 3 12:27:36 2011 [HKM][D]: Message received: EXECUTE FAILURE 28 vzfirewall

So I wonder if $ONE_LOCATION/share/hooks/ dir must be mounted on CNs in case if hook needs to be executed there (i.e. on remote node)?

I didn't find corresponding info neither in [1] nor in [2].

[1] http://opennebula.org/documentation:rel2.2:sm
[2] http://opennebula.org/documentation:rel2.2:plan

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