As per the comments in vmm_exec_kvm.conf,
I assume that if I provide following in my vm-template


it should run myemulator.

However it is not working as stated.
I don't find anything about EMULATOR tag in the documentation.

My question is, is it supported? Or is it undocumented feature,
which could have been broken?

=============== vmm_exec_kvm.conf ======
# Default configuration attributes for the KVM driver
# (all domains will use these values as defaults).  These values can
# be overridden in each VM template. Valid atributes are:
#  - emulator
#  - os [kernel,initrd,boot,root,kernel_cmd,arch]
#  - memory
#  - cpu
#  - vcpu
#  - features [acpi, pae]
#  - disk [driver, cache]
#  - nic  [filter]

EMULATOR = /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm


Thanks and Regards,

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