Hi Wijnad,

sorry for taking so much time to answer your mail, I was on vacations
during the last 2 weeks.

>We're building a user interface on top of opennebula 3.0 (we need
>features of 3.0) by using OCCI. We're using the user's credentials from
>ONe to authenticate on OCCI.

great to hear this!

>We've started with the embedded OCCI implementation but ran in a few
>problems with this one so we've just spent a few day on testing the OGF
>OCCI 0.3 implementation.
>Unfortunately we're running into other problems with this one. Now we're
>not sure if we're doing something wrong, if it is a bug or if it isn't
>possible in the current implementation.
>Embedded OCCI:
>       *Is there a way to specify the CPU and MEMORY in a create request? If we
>specify the CPU and Memory in the XML file we post during creation, OCCI
>ignores those values and still uses the values from the template.  Can't
>I just skip the INSTANCE_TYPE? (this part did work in the OGF OCCI 0.3)

I can't comment on the embedded OCCI and as far as I know, it will not be
developed further and hopefully, the OGF OCCI will replace it soon.
>OGF OCCI 0.3:
>       * Does it support authentication (we've tried basic authentication the
>same way as the embedded OCCI but no success)?
>       * Can't get a listing of Computes (nor storage ...) (the creation of an
>Compute actually did work).  " curl -v -X GET
>http://localhost:3000/compute"; results in a  400 Bad Request response. Is
>this a  bug or did we do something wrong? (I already mailed this question)

The authentication is still an experimental feature. I was waiting on the
OpenNebula developers to introduce ACLs before we put further effort in
this feature. It is on my list for the next weeks to combine OCCI with
Apache authorization modules as well as OpenNebula ACLs. The goal is, to
use Apache for all the authentication handling (e.g. using Shibboleth,
OpenID, Certificates or username/password) and map or create OpenNebula
ACLs accordingly.

Regarding your problems with the listing, could you please send me the
logfile of passenger which should be located in the log folder inside the
OGF OCCI folder. Besides, I found some problems when using the Dummy
Backend with v0.3beta2 which will be fixed in the next beta soon to be

We plan to publish a first release candidate before the next SNIA Cloud
Plugfest which takes place from 18.-22.9. I'd like to encourage everyone
interested in using the OCCI server or developing OCCI clients to join the
Plugfest. Attendance can be physically in Santa Clara (USA) and probably
in Düsseldorf (Germany) as well as remotely via chat and telephone.
Further information can be found here:


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