The 3rd Cloud Plugfest organised by SNIA (Storage Networking Industry
Association) will take place from September 18-22, 2011 [1]. The purpose
of the Cloud Plugfest is for vendors to bring their implementations of the
Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI) [2] and the Open Cloud Computing
Interface (OCCI) [3] to test, identify, and fix bugs in a collaborative
setting with the goal of providing a forum where interoperable products
can be developed.

To make the Plugfest more attractive for european participants, it will
take place in two locations simultaneously for the first time. Once in
Santa Clara, US (colocated with the Storage Developer Conference), and
once in Düsseldorf, Germany (see [1] for more information). A remote
participation is also possible.

Note: To register for attending at the Düsseldorf location you need to
fill the "Cloud Plugfest Planning Survey" [4]. The Plugfest
Confidentiality Agreement [5] may be signed in advance or on arrival at
the Plugfest location and will allow companies to bring unreleased code to
the Plugfest.

My colleagues and I will attend at the Düsseldorf location and we will
implement, test and demonstrate our OCCI server in combination with
OpenNebula 3.0. There will also be a very early implementation of CDMI for

Everyone interested in discussing the future of the OCCI standard is
welcome to attend OGF 33 from September 19-23, 2011. The sessions of the
OCCI WG will take place on wednesday 21st and will soon be announced in
the official schedule on the OGF website [6].

With the Open World Forum another event takes place simultaneously
(September 22-24). There will be sessions on interoperability and on the
status of current cloud projects - including OpenNebula [7].

I'm looking forward to seeing you at one of those events!



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