I tried to save the running Vm image using
onevm saveas <vm_id> <dick_id> <imagename>
onevm shutdown <vm_id>

When I try to to launch a new using the saved image I get the following
error at the VM log messages .

Fri Sep  9 10:11:46 2011 [TM][E]: Error excuting image transfer script: cp:
cannot stat
`/srv/cloud/one/var//images/e0561a492c9aaac280479f2f0d85dcced9156fbf': No
such file or directory
Fri Sep  9 10:11:47 2011 [DiM][I]: New VM state is FAILED
Fri Sep  9 10:11:47 2011 [TM][W]: Ignored: LOG - 44 tm_delete.sh: Deleting

pls help to find why i'm not able to save the VM properly ..?

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