Hello Bala

On 16.09.2011 13:14, bala suru wrote:
Sat Sep 10 16:41:05 2011 [VMM][D]: Message received: SAVE FAILURE 49 error:
Failed to save domain one-49 to /srv/cloud/one/var//49/images/checkpoint

Sat Sep 10 16:41:05 2011 [VMM][D]: Message received: error: unable to set
ownership of '/srv/cloud/one/var//49/images/checkpoint' to user 0:0:
Operation not permitted .

I run oneadmin as sudo user , and i'm using nfs for transferring the images
(tm_nfs) .

The cluster node (or libvirtd) needs to be able to write into this folder. It looks like it is running as root, so you need to allow root to write to the NFS file system, this needs to be adjusted on the NFS server in /etc/exports (see 'man exports' for details).

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