Thanks for your help. As I said in my original email, I thought it was a
funny problem, since everything used to work before and suddenly stopped
working, w/o me doing anything. Well, as usual, funny problems are normally
the result of stupid mistakes. I actually did something that prevented the
monitoring to work as it should. I re-started Opennebula, but I did it as
root. Now i have re-strated it once more, this time as oneadmin, and
everything works as it used to. Thanks again for the help and sorry for
bothering you with stupid problems.


Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2011 22:19:32 +0400
Subject: Re: [one-users] Error monitoring host
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

Hi Humberto,

Just a guess.

What the output of the command 'grep nodeinfo_text
$ONE_LOCATION/lib/remotes/im/kvm.d/kvm.rb|grep virsh' on front-end node?
I have
nodeinfo_text = `virsh -c qemu:///system nodeinfo`

But it looks like you should change it to
virsh -c qemu+ssh:///system


Humberto N. Castejon Martinez wrote on 21/09/11 19:21:
> Hi,
> I know the problem I am going to report has already been discussed, but
> what I have read from previous discussions has not helped.
> My Opennebula front-end has problems to monitor one of my hosts. I get
> the following log messages:
> Wed Sep 21 17:03:44 2011 [InM][I]: Command execution fail: 'if [ -x
> "/var/tmp/one/im/run_probes" ]; then /var/tmp/one/im/run_probes kvm
> joker; else $
> Wed Sep 21 17:03:44 2011 [InM][I]: STDERR follows.
> Wed Sep 21 17:03:44 2011 [InM][I]: Permission denied, please try again.
> Wed Sep 21 17:03:44 2011 [InM][I]: Permission denied, please try again.
> Wed Sep 21 17:03:44 2011 [InM][I]: Permission denied (publickey,password).
> Wed Sep 21 17:03:44 2011 [InM][I]: ExitCode: 255
> Wed Sep 21 17:03:44 2011 [InM][E]: Error monitoring host 0 : MONITOR
> FAILURE 0 Could not monitor host joker.
> The first thing that I have noticed is that run_probes is not in
> /var/tmp/one/im/, but I have it in /srv/cloud/one/lib/remotes/im/. Can
> that be the source of the problem?
> If I executed from my front end machine the following command as root,
> everything seems to work ok:
>   /srv/cloud/one/lib/remotes/im/run_probes kvm joker
> However, if i execute it as oneadmin, i get the following error:
> Connecting to uri: qemu:///system
> error: unable to connect to '/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock': Permission
> denied
> error: failed to connect to the hypervisor
> Error executing kvm.rb
> ARCH=x86_64 MODELNAME="Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5540 @ 2.53GHz"
> I have checked, and oneadmin is member of the cloud group in joker, I
> have specified unix_sock_group = "cloud" in /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf
> and   libvirt-sock  seems to have the right permissions: srwxrwx--- 1
> root cloud 0 2011-09-21 17:02 /var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock
> So i do not know why I get the "permission denied" message.
> However, if I run virsh -c qemu+ssh://oneadmin@joker/system, I manage to
> connect to virsh, w/o entering a password.
> So i do not really know what the problem is, and hope you can help me.
> The funny thing is that it used to work perfectly, but it stopped
> working suddenly, without me changing anything (or at least I think so).
> Cheers,
> Humberto
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