
In 'src/oca/java/lib' you'll find the .jar files for the Apache XML-RPC
Maybe you downloaded another version from their website that produces that

Carlos Martín, MSc
Project Major Contributor
OpenNebula - The Open Source Toolkit for Cloud Computing
www.OpenNebula.org <http://www.opennebula.org/> | cmar...@opennebula.org

2011/9/21 srivatsan jagannathan <srivatsa...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> different library version from the one included in our source ---- can you
> explain bit more on this, not sure which library you are referring to
> Regards,
> Srivatsan J.
> 2011/9/21 Carlos Martín Sánchez <cmar...@opennebula.org>
>> Hi,
>> I've tried to reproduce it feeding your xml string to the host.infomethod, 
>> but it still works for me.
>> That "Unknown type: string" error seems to come from the Apache XML-RPC
>> library.
>> The only thing I can think of is that maybe you are using a different
>> library version from the one included in our source.
>> --
>> Carlos Martín, MSc
>> Project Major Contributor
>> OpenNebula - The Open Source Toolkit for Cloud Computing
>> www.OpenNebula.org <http://www.opennebula.org/> | cmar...@opennebula.org
>> 2011/9/20 srivatsan jagannathan <srivatsa...@gmail.com>
>>> Hi,
>>> OpenNebula version 2.2
>>> onehost list
>>>   ID NAME              CLUSTER  RVM   TCPU   FCPU   ACPU    TMEM    FMEM
>>> STAT
>>>   18 cloud9            default    0   2400   2400   2400     63G   61.6G
>>>   on
>>> onehost show 18 -x
>>> <HOST>
>>>   <ID>18</ID>
>>>   <NAME>cloud9</NAME>
>>>   <STATE>2</STATE>
>>>   <IM_MAD>im_kvm</IM_MAD>
>>>   <VM_MAD>vmm_kvm</VM_MAD>
>>>   <TM_MAD>tm_nfs</TM_MAD>
>>>   <LAST_MON_TIME>1316541929</LAST_MON_TIME>
>>>   <CLUSTER>default</CLUSTER>
>>>   <HOST_SHARE>
>>>     <HID>18</HID>
>>>     <MEM_USAGE>0</MEM_USAGE>
>>>     <CPU_USAGE>0</CPU_USAGE>
>>>     <MAX_DISK>0</MAX_DISK>
>>>     <MAX_MEM>66097408</MAX_MEM>
>>>     <MAX_CPU>2400</MAX_CPU>
>>>     <FREE_DISK>0</FREE_DISK>
>>>     <FREE_MEM>64609184</FREE_MEM>
>>>     <FREE_CPU>2400</FREE_CPU>
>>>     <USED_DISK>0</USED_DISK>
>>>     <USED_MEM>1488224</USED_MEM>
>>>     <USED_CPU>0</USED_CPU>
>>>   </HOST_SHARE>
>>>   <TEMPLATE>
>>>     <ARCH><![CDATA[x86_64]]></ARCH>
>>>     <CPUSPEED><![CDATA[2100]]></CPUSPEED>
>>>     <FREECPU><![CDATA[2400.0]]></FREECPU>
>>>     <FREEMEMORY><![CDATA[64609184]]></FREEMEMORY>
>>>     <HOSTNAME><![CDATA[cloud9]]></HOSTNAME>
>>>     <MODELNAME><![CDATA[AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6172]]></MODELNAME>
>>>     <NETRX><![CDATA[2998354]]></NETRX>
>>>     <NETTX><![CDATA[4807146]]></NETTX>
>>>     <TOTALCPU><![CDATA[2400]]></TOTALCPU>
>>>     <TOTALMEMORY><![CDATA[66097408]]></TOTALMEMORY>
>>>     <USEDCPU><![CDATA[0.0]]></USEDCPU>
>>>     <USEDMEMORY><![CDATA[1488224]]></USEDMEMORY>
>>>   </TEMPLATE>
>>> </HOST>
>>> once again i reran the program, still getting same error.....
>>> JAVA API code
>>> OneResponse or = Host.info(Client, 18);
>>> if(or.isError()){
>>>            System.out.println(" Check for error "+or.getErrorMessage());
>>>   }
>>> else{
>>>      System.out.println(or.getMessage());
>>>  }
>>> the response for this code error Failed to parse servers response:
>>> Unknown type: string
>>> I am thinking OneResponse return TRUE, because "Check for error" is
>>> missing in the output
>>> Regards,
>>> Srivatsan J.
>>> 2011/9/20 Carlos Martín Sánchez <cmar...@opennebula.org>
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I can't reproduce this problem. Can you provide more information?
>>>> What OpenNebula version are you using?
>>>> What's the output of "onehost show <id> -x"?
>>>> Any trace?
>>>> Regards
>>>> --
>>>> Carlos Martín, MSc
>>>> Project Major Contributor
>>>> OpenNebula - The Open Source Toolkit for Cloud Computing
>>>> www.OpenNebula.org <http://www.opennebula.org/> | cmartin@opennebula
>>>> .org
>>>> On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 11:59 AM, srivatsan jagannathan <
>>>> srivatsa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Team,
>>>>> I am trying to use JAVA API to perform operation on host.
>>>>> All these operation succeed,
>>>>> Host.allocate(Client, hostname, im, vmm, tm)
>>>>> Host.enable(Client, id, true)
>>>>> Host.enable(Client, id, false)
>>>>> Host.delete(Client, id)
>>>>> But
>>>>> Host.info(Client, id)
>>>>> gives error Failed to parse servers response: Unknown type: string
>>>>> in CLI onehost list & onehost show works properly
>>>>> no error in oned.log
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Srivatsan J.
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