Hi Stefano,

the problem is probably, that you start passenger in the wrong directory. If 
you unpacked the zip file, you have to change to the ogf-occi folder and start 
passenger there.

Also, we did a lot of code improvements and bug fixes since version 0.3 and 
will release a new version as soon as some remaining bugs are fixed. If you 
want to use the latest version you can check it out using
git clone git://git.opennebula.org/ogf-occi.git


Von: Stefano Ghio <steg...@eng.it<mailto:steg...@eng.it>>
Datum: Mon, 7 Nov 2011 10:24:59 +0100
An: <users@lists.opennebula.org<mailto:users@lists.opennebula.org>>
Betreff: [one-users] Passenger + OpenNebula index.html is not found


I'm using OGF-OCCI 0.3_beta2 and OpenNebula 0.3_beta2 on Ubuntu 10.04 32-bit. I 
successfully installed and started it but I'm getting this:

2011/11/07 09:56:29 [error] 1262#0: *4 "/home/ste/public/index.html" is not 
found (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: _, request: 
"HEAD / HTTP/1.1", host: ""

at every passenger startup and this:

2011/11/07 10:11:12 [error] 1262#0: *19 "/home/ste/public/-/index.html" is not 
found (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: _, 
request: "GET /-/ HTTP/1.0", host: "<>"

for every request I send (-, compute, storage, network). I cannot GET or POST 
anything as it always tells me "index.html is not found".

Manually creating those folders doesn't help.

All that the logfile contains are the lines above.

Any ideas?

Thank you
Dr. Stefano Ghio - ENG engineering Italy

Website: http://groglogs.blogspot.com/

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