
I would like to know the status of the VMWare drivers add-on. In fact, I use 
the latest version 3.0.0 beta 1 but no information or news about a stable 
release and I did not find any project on dev.opennebula.org to post messages 
about it.
My wondering is double:

1) For what I know using it for a certain time now, VMWare driver is actually a 
libvirt driver dealing with gsx or esx protocol. This implies the support of 
libvirt for VMWare which is not really the case (ESXi 5 not supported and no 
roadmap to do it). Some useful functionalities proposed in VMWare ESXi are not 
available through the current driver. This leads to the second point

2) Is there any ongoing development of a "native" VMWare driver using either 
"vSphere CLI for linux" or the "vSphere Web Services"?

Thanks for your answers.

Emmanuel Mathot

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