Potential Documentation Issues:

There are a few documentation issues which can be found here

On the Storage example there are two definitions for the Storage entity,
and, for which, one is blank:

$ occi-storage --url http://localhost:4567 --username oneadmin
--password opennebula create image.xml
<STORAGE href=''>


<STORAGE href='http://localhost:4567/storage/0'>
    <NAME>Ubuntu Desktop</NAME>
    <DESCRIPTION>Ubuntu 10.04 desktop for students.</DESCRIPTION>

On the Compute example there is an "id" attribute which I don't believe
should be there:

<DISK id='0'>
    <STORAGE href='' name='Ubuntu

On the "Using the Cloud" page, each Storage Entity is name attribute.
However, on the OCCI API page for the OpenNebula 3.0 documentation, each
Storage Entity is only given a href attribute. Which documentation is

On the "OpenNebula OCCI User Guide 3.0" I see the following example in
which the STATE value is in all caps:

$ occi-compute --url http://localhost:4567 --username oneadmin
--password opennebula create vm.xml
<COMPUTE href=''>
  <DISK id='0'>
    <STORAGE href='' name='Ubuntu
    <NETWORK href=''

However, on the "OpenNebula OCCI Specification 3.0" page, the values for
the state of a Compute Resource are show in lower caps. Which is it?

Hutson Betts
Computer Science and Engineering
Texas A&M University

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