On 06/12/11 20.10, Fabian Wenk wrote:
Hello Adnan

On 04.12.2011 18:18, Adnan Pasic wrote:
I can't really tell you what lookbusy does, as it's not a
programme coded by
me, but found on the internet to fulfill its duties ;)

Or it does not properly as you would need it.

Also, the website where I downloaded it from doesn't say anything
on how the
programme is really working, and if it's possible to somehow
upgrade it with
for the purpose of, e.g. filling zeros.

Google pointed me to [1], is this the one you are using? If yes, you
could ask the developer, if he could adjust it for your needs (eg.
filling the memory with random data, or even changing it during
runtime), or ask some other developer which knows about C, if he
could do it for you.

[1] http://www.devin.com/lookbusy/

it's a quite simple program, less than 1000 lines of code. The answer is yes, btw, it does fill the memory with "random" data during initialization:

    for (p = mem_stir_buffer; p < mem_stir_buffer + sz; p++) {
        *p = (char)((uintptr_t)p & 0xff);

and keep using it:

    while (1) {
        const size_t copysz = pagesize;

        memmove(dp, sp, copysz);
        memcpy(dp, sp, copysz);
        sp += pagesize * 1;
        dp += pagesize * 5;

I think that the problem is not related to KSM but to virtio balloons: it is possible that the memory allocated by the lookbusy program is not freed by the guest os (actually, by kvm). I never tried, but I would give a try to something like "virsh setmem 102400" and see what happen...


Antonio Messina
I.T. Specialist

email: amess...@ictp.it      |  The Abdus Salam ICTP
phone: +39 040-2240-691      |  Strada Costiera, 11
fax:   +39 040-2240-7691     |  34151 Trieste, Italy

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