Hello Matheus

On 06.12.2011 20:26, matheus tor4 wrote:
I dont create any group named 'cloud'.
Is it created automatically?

oneadmin@PacsOnCloud-FrontEnd:/etc/one$ id oneadmin
uid=107(oneadmin) gid=118(oneadmin) grupos=118(oneadmin)

What changes I have to do ?

It does also work with the group oneadmin instead of cloud, just adjust your libvirtd.conf according. The OpenNebula documentation usualy talks about oneadmin:cloud, so you just have to use oneadmin:oneadmin instead.

About the permissions, is the images folder and the VM_DIR on a NFS storage? If yes, you need to adjust this exports in /etc/exports according to allow root to read/write files there, as with KVM the VMs will be run with root privileges.

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