Hello Biro

On 15.12.2011 09:54, biro lehel wrote:
Hello Fabian. Thanks again for your reply. I really appreciate
you for taking the time.

You're welcome.

I read what you wrote a couple of times, and (I think) it
helped me to clarify some things. But still, I have a few
questions and issues for which I am looking for a clear
answer. I put them in bullets:

I do not see any bullets, this is probably only available when viewed in HTML. I read (and also write) e-mails as text only, so the part below looks quite confusing to me and those it is very hard to answer, but I try.

As I understand so far, OpenNebula has two types of users: the
administrator, who basically has control over "everything",

Only everything regarding the management of the VMs, but depending on who did the installation of the OS (Operating System) inside the VM, he may not have access to it. But as he can control the virtual hardware (the VM), he could eventually circumvent security measures done inside the OS of the VM.

and the users, who can authenticate securely, instantiate some
VM's, and do the work necessary for them. My question: can
OpenNebula have another "layer" of users, some kind of
"end-users"? What I mean is: suppose I, as a user of

This is not the duty of OpenNebula, this is something which needs to be done by the administrator of the OS inside the VM. This depends a lot of the used OS inside this VMs, but tools should be available.

OpenNebula, using my created VM's, create a Web Service, which
I publish on the Internet. Can anyone access this (someone who
has no idea about the private cloud, someone who is simply
accessing the URL), and by this way uses my Web Service
(created on the VM's by the means of OpenNebula), so,
basically, uses OpenNebula "remotely" (without knowing it)? Or

As above, this service provisioning and user management of the web service depends on the person who creates and runs this web service. This is independent of OpenNebula, as OpenNebula only provides the VMs to run any OS in it. As I already wrote, OpenNebula is just an abstraction layer between physical computer hardware and the OS you run inside the VM. Without the OpenNebula cloud platform you would just install physical computers with the OS of your choice and the services and applications you would like to run. There you also need to create the necessary system / application to manage end users visiting your web service.

this just doesn't make sense, since the whole idea of a
private cloud is not to provide/publish information and
services to the outside world, and this is not even possible
since the virtual context?Are the most important reasons for

The private cloud does just provide you with virtual computers to run your OS and application of choice on it. This helps to better use the physical computer with more virtual machines on it. It gives you more flexibility with the available hardware resources to run more then one OS installation a the same time.

installing OpenNebula the performance needs? Is there any

OpenNebula does reduce the performance of your hardware a little bit, as the additional layer also needs some capacity of the physical hardware, but I guess this can be ignored. Your hardware can be used more flexible with OpenNebula (or any other cloud abstraction layer), as you can use more then one OS (in a VM) in parallel on the same hardware.

other reason because of which I may want to install it,
besides the fact that I might need multiple VM's (that I can
manage) to perform a task (and to achieve platform
interoperability)? I mean this has be the main point of it,
right?When the load reaches its maximum (on a task which a
user tries to perform on OpenNebula VM's), are new VM's
created automatically (it the physical resources allow this)
to support the performace needs? Or the only way of creating

No, OpenNebula does not out of the box start new VMs when the currently running VMs are at a capacity limit. You need to build your own monitoring system, which does monitor your web service and act on the needs of more performance. This monitoring can then use OpenNebula to start additional VMs with your service / application. But additional VMs can only be started when there is enough physical hardware (eg. cluster nodes) available to support more VMs. It can not give you more raw hardware power as when your service / application would run directly on several physical servers instead. But it gives you more flexibility.

VM's is the "manual" one?Can OpenNebula be installed on any
type of physical network, or does it have some special needs?

The front end can be any i386 or amd64 (preferred) compatible computer which supports a current Linux distribution. But for the cluster nodes it would probably help if you use a CPU with VT support. Check the needs through the "Virtualization Subsystem 3.0" [1] with the details of the type of virtualization you would like to use.

  [1] http://www.opennebula.org/documentation:rel3.0:vmmg

Suppose I have an intranet in a company environment, with more
interconnected physical machine that I'm actually going to
use, does this change anything? Do I have to set up a separate
physical network for the physical machines that I'm planning
to include in the private cloud?

Depending on the amount of data which will be moved between the front end (or storage) and the cluster node, it could help to have a different physical network available for this, but it does also work in the same existing company network.

That's it for now, I don't want to ask for too much
information all at once.:) I really hope that these questions
are easy-to-answer for a professional, and will not take much
time (for you Fabian, or for anyone else who thinks that can
help me).

Every answer takes time, and it even takes more time when the questions are more philosophical (or about how the design of your platform / application / web service should be) then clear technical questions. Somehow I get the impression, that you do not have the necessary system engineering experience, to be able to build such an application / web service platform on your own.

Thank you, and waiting for your response,

You're welcome

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