I tried to implement locking plugin for opennebula

Here are the scripts i used to implement locking.This plug-in makes sure
that no two vms use same hard disk.

My assumes
primary hard disks are present under */images/ folder and name of primary
hard disk ends with 0 (zero)
This is where all logic goes in.
This script is called when vm is created to check for lock.
If it finds lock,vm goes to failed state else creates a lock with  metadata
about the vm.
when a vm is deleted or shutdown ,the lock is deleted.

Used tm_ln.sh for verifying and creating lock
Used hooks to delete the lock.

Here are the changes need to be made for existing code.

Add the following code to *tm_ln.sh*

DST_DIR=`dirname $DST_PATH`
exec_and_log "/usr/lib/one/tm_commands/nfs/locking.sh checkAndCreate

Add the following code for *oned.conf * to configure hooks

*VM_HOOK = [
    name      = "hook_running",
    on        = "running",
    command   = "/opt/hexaGrid/oneScripts/process_hook.sh",
    arguments = "$VMID RUNNING $DISK[SOURCE] $NAME",
    remote    = "no" ]

    name      = "hook_finalized",
    on        = "done",
    command   = "/opt/hexaGrid/oneScripts/process_hook.sh",
    arguments = "$VMID DONE $DISK[SOURCE] $NAME",
    remote    = "no" ]

    name      = "hook_failed",
    on        = "failed",
    command   = "/opt/hexaGrid/oneScripts/process_hook.sh",
    arguments = "$VMID FAILED $DISK[SOURCE] $NAME",
    remote    = "no" ]*


echo $state>/tmp/process_hook.log
if [ "$state" = "DONE" ]; then
        DST_HOST=`onehost list | grep  on | head -1 | awk '{print $2}'`
        echo "/usr/lib/one/tm_commands/nfs/locking.sh delete $SRC_PATH
$DST_HOST $vmId">>/tmp/process_hook.log
        /usr/lib/one/tm_commands/nfs/locking.sh delete $SRC_PATH $DST_HOST

if [ "$state" = "RUNNING" ]; then
        DST_HOST=`onevm list | grep $vmName | awk '{print $7}'`
        echo "/usr/lib/one/tm_commands/nfs/locking.sh modify $SRC_PATH
        /usr/lib/one/tm_commands/nfs/locking.sh modify $SRC_PATH $DST_HOST

Attaching locking.sh.

Thanks and Regards,

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Attachment: locking.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

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