This is my template from xen, dom0=sci. linux 5.7, opennebula 2.0
I have a cloud with both KVM and Xen hosts in it.
I would strongly urge you to not use the kernel/initrd approach
and instead use the pygrub option as I have below, with the kernel
stored inside the domU. It is a lot easier to maintain
in the long run.  also you still need the kernel installed inside
the domU anyway even if you are using an external vmlinuz/initrd.img
to boot.

If you were using an external vmlinuz/initrd combo then  yes the
field would change every time you updated a kernel, unless
you made a symlink or something.

Steve Timm


[timm@fcl002 ~/OpenNebula]$ more
NAME   =
CPU    = 2
VCPU   = 2
MEMORY = 3072

#OS     = [
#  kernel     = /vmlinuz,
#  initrd     = /initrd.img,
#  root       = sda1,
#  kernel_cmd = "ro xencons=tty console=tty1"]

OS      =   [ bootloader = "/usr/bin/pygrub" ]

DISK  = [  image = "cloudgums2-persist-xen.img" ]

DISK   = [
  type     = swap,
  size     = 5120,
  target   = sdb ]

DISK   = [
  type     = fs,
  size     = 4096,
  format   = ext3,
  save     = yes,
  target   = sdc,
  bus      = scsi ]

#NIC    = [ NETWORK = "FermiCloud" ]
NIC = [ BRIDGE = "xenbr0", MAC = "00:16:3E:02:03:01" ]

FEATURES=[ acpi="no" ]

  type    = "vnc",
  listen  = "",
  port    = "5917" ]

    hostname    = "$NAME",
    ip_public   = "",
    netmask     = "",
    gateway     = "",
    ns          = "",
files = "/cloud/images/OpenNebula/templates/ /home/timm/OpenNebu
la/k5login /home/timm/OpenNebula/gums/",
    target      = "hdc",
    root_pubkey = "",
    username    = "opennebula",
    user_pubkey = ""


[timm@fcl002 ~/OpenNebula]$

On Wed, 7 Mar 2012, Darshan Upadhyay wrote:

Hello friends,

i am using opennebula 3.0 on centos 5.5....i have successfully connected
front-end and host.....i am using xen hypervisor.....please provide me one
example of vm template related to xen....and guide me how i can specify the
attribute like Kernel = ?, initrd = ? and root = ?......also tell me that,
this field is continuouly changed with different os of vm or remains same???

and what is the use of database in cloud??

Thanking you in anticipation....

Steven C. Timm, Ph.D  (630) 840-8525
Fermilab Computing Division, Scientific Computing Facilities,
Grid Facilities Department, FermiGrid Services Group, Group Leader.
Lead of FermiCloud project.
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