I am debating the differences between Shared and Non-shared file systems for an 
OpenNebula deployment.

One concern with the shared file system is High Availability.  I am setting up 
the OpenNebula front-end with connectivity to a storage device.  To avoid the 
event of a storage device failure (RAID controller, Power, etc) I am looking 
into setting up a secondary front-end server with attached storage.  I would 
use NFS to share the storage to each VM Host and setup DRDB for block level 
replication between each cluster node.  In the event of a storage failure, a 
failover would occur utilizing heartbeat/pacemaker to the secondary front-end 

If anyone has tested a similar setup how do the VMs handle the minimal outage 
required for the failover to occur (the several seconds required to failover to 
the secondary front-end)?  For a certain duration, wouldn't the NFS mount be 
unavailable due to the failover mechanism?

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