On 2012-04-23 19:28, Charles Rodamilans wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> I used port 8443, for sugestion in
> http://opennebula.org/documentation:archives:rel3.2:ec2qcg#configuring_a_ssl_proxy
> I changed  :ssl_server parameter to localhost:8443, restart econe-server,
> and the problem continues (Test 1).
> I changed the configuration to 443 in ssl/httpd and econe-server, restart
> httpd and econe-server, and the problem continues too (Test 2 and 3).

At least in opennebula 3.2 you have put full URL in ssl_server parameter

:ssl_server: https://cloud.example.com/

Where cloud.example.com is external hostname of reverse proxy.


> Cheers
> Charles Rodamilans
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