
i try the new opennebula 3.4,i found the problem. when i use source in
disk attribute in the VM template ,

use onevm create template.name

the log tell me:

Fri May 18 09:42:16 2012 [TM][E]: prolog, undefined source disk image in VM
> template

my vm template define like this:

NAME = ttylinux
>  CPU = 0.1
> MEMORY = 64
>  DISK = [
>  source="/srv/cloud/one/var/datastores/1/ttylinux/ttylinux.img",
>  TARGET = hda,
>  BUS = ide,
>  DRIVER = raw,
>  cache = writeback ]
>  NIC = [ NETWORK_ID = 0 ]
>  FEATURES=[ acpi="no" ]
>  GRAPHICS = [ type ="vnc", listen ="" ]

does anyone have same problem? i try the 3.4.1 ,same.
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