Hi all,

I have OpenNebula 3.4.1 on Ubuntu 12.04 Server (both - frontend and node), shared datastore.
When I start VM via OCCI interface and try access to VNC console, an error picture appears: " VM has no VNC configured" (nothing in logs - picture on screen only).

VM is running, in /etc/one/occi_templates/small.erb (and all other kind of instances there) I have:

#  Virtual Machine Template generated for small instance types. Adjust this
#  by setting the desired capacity (CPU,MEMORY) or adding specific
#  attributes for your cloud (e.g. OS).

CPU             = 1
MEMORY          = 512
ARCH            = "i686"
GRAPHICS        = "vnc"

In /etc/one/occi-server.conf:
:vnc_enable: yes

:vnc_proxy_base_port: 33876
:vnc_proxy_path: /usr/share/opennebula/noVNC/utils/websockify
:vnc_proxy_support_wss: no

Where and which way I have to set VNC correctly? At the same time and the same running instance VNC console is unaccessible in Sunstone interface (the icon is gray).



Ján Beňadik
Managed Services - Solution Design Architect
+421 46 5151 332
+421 903 691 634
Vinohradnícka 6, 971 01 Prievidza

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