I'd say it is possible if your cloud is not big. oned+mm_sched are very lightweight. Probably you can run sunstone/selfservice too without problems if your number of users is limited.

But for these same reasons you could run opennebula directly in one of your kvm hosts without sacrificing many resources. You can always add localhost as any other host to opennebula and keep using it to deploy VMs. Or put OpenNebula in a VM itself.

And yes, since it's an ARM you'd have to compile from sources. It should work in theory.


En Thu, 05 Jul 2012 15:50:44 +0200, nicolas diogo <nicolasdi...@gmx.com> escribió:


i am curious to find out if it would be possible to install OpenNebula on a SheevaPlug (or another similar hardware).
 see: https://www.globalscaletechnologies.com/t-products.aspx

i am not looking to deploy the host (eg:KVM) but only the management services. the advantage would be low power consumption - which is important for me (private installation).

is this a plausible concept? I believe, it would be necessary to compile from sources, is that right?



Hector Sanjuan
OpenNebula Developer
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