hi all, I am very new to cloud computing and even more new to opennebula so
forgive me if I seem like i have no idea what im doing.

so far i've got opennebula 3.6.0 running on Centos 6.2 with one host that
is configured to KVM.
I've downloaded multiple kvm images from the cloud nebula marketplace but I
try to start a VM using these images in a template and they fail. the VM
log outputs this:

[DiM][I]: New VM state is ACTIVE.
Thu Jul 26 15:49:26 2012 [LCM][I]: New VM state is PROLOG.
Thu Jul 26 15:49:26 2012 [VM][I]: Virtual Machine has no context
Thu Jul 26 15:49:26 2012 [TM][I]: Command execution fail:
oneHost-1:/var/lib/one//datastores/0/0/disk.0 0 1
Thu Jul 26 15:49:26 2012 [TM][I]: clone: Cloning
../../1/bc0ddab0b6b067f6de5cf849f1e8af75 in
oneHost-1:/var/lib/one//datastores/0/0/disk.0Thu Jul 26 15:49:26 2012
[TM][E]: clone: Command "cd ../../0/0; cp -r
../../1/bc0ddab0b6b067f6de5cf849f1e8af75 ../../0/0/disk.0" failed: sh:
line 1: cd: ../../0/0: No such file or directory
Thu Jul 26 15:49:26 2012 [TM][I]: cp: cannot stat
`../../1/bc0ddab0b6b067f6de5cf849f1e8af75': No such file or
directoryThu Jul 26 15:49:26 2012 [TM][E]: Error copying
to oneHost-1:/var/lib/one//datastores/0/0/disk.0
Thu Jul 26 15:49:26 2012 [TM][I]: ExitCode: 1Thu Jul 26 15:49:26 2012
[TM][E]: Error executing image transfer script: Error copying
to oneHost-1:/var/lib/one//datastores/0/0/disk.0
Thu Jul 26 15:49:27 2012 [DiM][I]: New VM state is FAILED

one thing i noticed that doesnt seem right is the extra / in the
destination directory (/var/lib/one//datastores/0/disk.0)

this is fresh install following the instructions on opennebula.org,
both machines can ssh without passwords between each other.

i've also tried commenting out the cd line in the
/var/lib/one/remotes/tm/shared/clone file because i didnt know why is
was there and seemed to be the problem and this allowed it to go to
the next part of the VM deployment but it failed later and never
copied the image over to the host.

any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

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