I am currently running both OpenNebula 3.2 and OpenNebula 2.0,
both using KVM hypervisors and network interfaces that involve
virtio drivers

I've noticed that the "onevm suspend" action does something different
than "virsh suspend".
With "onevm suspend", the kvm process writes a memory checkpoint
file and exits such that it is not visible to "virsh list" or ps.

With "virsh suspend" the process stays resident and the kvm process
is still available, and "virsh list" shows it as suspended.

My questions:

1) If a kvm process is thus suspended by virsh, is there any way
to recover it via opennebula? "onevm resume" looks for
the checkpoint file which is not there, fails, and then
does a onevm delete.

2) Does OpenNebula have any onevm command to keep the kvm process alive and suspended, i.e. still showing in the ps list of the "vm host"
just like it was under "virsh suspend"

3) has anyone been able to make a "wake on lan" feature work
for a virtual machine that is thus suspended, by sending a magic packet?

4) ethtool output from the virtio network interface indicates that
it doesn't support wake-on-lan, or a lot of other stuff.  Has anyone
been able to do better either by using the default rtl8139 that
comes with a KVM VM, or by passing a net interface through via SR-IOV or pci pass-thru?

We are trying to extend the hibernate and wake-up functions of
Condor to work with virtual machines.  At the moment condor fails to
hibernate the virtual machine because of #4.

Steve Timm

Steven C. Timm, Ph.D  (630) 840-8525
t...@fnal.gov  http://home.fnal.gov/~timm/
Fermilab Computing Division, Scientific Computing Facilities,
Grid Facilities Department, FermiGrid Services Group, Group Leader.
Lead of FermiCloud project.
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