
Hmm how did you install opennebula? Im thinking this could be a bad $ONE_LOCATION, either because it is not set correctly for a self-contained install, or because it is set when it should not for a system-wide install.


En Thu, 16 Aug 2012 12:26:57 +0200, Tuan Le Doan <tuan.fet...@gmail.com> escribió:

Hi all,

I'm using Opennebula 3.6 on CentOS 6.3, yesterday I started it normally,
but today, when i use command "one start" and "sunstone-server start", i
received "No such file or directory" message. i don't know why, but it show
this message: "Can not find /var/lib/one/bin/oned " and "Can not find
/var/lib/one/lib/sunstone-server.conf". How can i fix this error?

Thank you.

Hector Sanjuan
OpenNebula Developer
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