This is the overview guide for storage, to help with the planning [1].

To enable the SSH transfer manager driver [2] for the default datastore, do
a 'onedatastore update default' and set 'TM_MAD=ssh'.
You don't need to edit oned.conf, if you take a look at TM_MAD it comes
with ssh enabled by default.

And no, the relative path is not a bug, there is a cp just before it, check
the log you pasted in the first message. It's simply that the shared driver
assumes that /var/lib/one/datastores/1 is mounted in the host.



Carlos Martín, MSc
Project Engineer
OpenNebula - The Open-source Solution for Data Center Virtualization | |

On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Gandalf Corvotempesta <> wrote:

> 2012/10/5 Carlos Martín Sánchez <>:
> > Since you are using the shared transfer manager drivers, the first thing
> to
> > check is that /var/lib/one/datastores/1 is correctly mounted in xen01,
> and
> > oneadmin has permissions to use the files [2].
> Seems that I have to use the SSH transfer manager.
> Can you tell me how to enable it ?
> I have this in oned.conf:
> IM_MAD = [
>     name       = "im_xen",
>     executable = "one_im_ssh",
>     arguments  = "xen" ]
> it should use ssh transfer manager, right?
> I think that file not found error is related to frontend, because this
> folder exists:
> /var/lib/one/datastores/1/c14c453ba440db979d24838b61d468f2
> but the clone script is trying to copy
> ../../1/c14c453ba440db979d24838b61d468f2
> that doesn't exists. I think that there is a bug in "clone" script,
> because the path is changed inside that file
> by this line: SRC_PATH="../../${SRC_PATH##"$DS_DIR/"}"
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